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106 results found.

NamePlanetFactionLevelAdded with

Galactic History 90: The Battle of Alderaan

The Sith Empire had won victory after victory in the Great War. But despite the Sith Emperor's planning, the Empire had also endured setbacks from stubborn Republic defenders. To shatter the Republic's morale, Imperial forces led by the newly-promoted Darth Malgus descended on the peaceful Core World of Alderaan. The surprise attack left Alderaan in flames.

Alderaan was little more than a transfer station for Republic soldiers on leave, though it also had a number of Republic military hospitals. There was no way the Empire could have foreseen that Captain Jace Malcom and Havoc Squad--the Republic's elite Special Forces unit--would be on planet as the attack came. Jace organized an armed stand against the Empire and signaled the Republic.

During an ambush in Alderaan's snowy forests, Captain Malcom and Satele Shan--the Jedi who would become Grand Master of the order--fought and defeated Darth Malgus. The tide was turned; the Republic fleet arrived soon afterwards, securing Alderaan, and the injured Malgus was secretly evacuated by fleeing Imperial forces.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​rishi.​datacron_1

Galactic History 90: The Battle of Alderaan
Achievement: DatacronsBoth13.0.0

Galactic History 91: The Syndicate Wars

To the galaxy's underworld, war means profit. As the Republic and Sith Empire clashed, the Hutt-affiliated Rath Cartel and the upstart Vandelhelm Combine competed to smuggle weapons to the highest bidder in what were later called the Syndicate Wars.

When both sides hired powerful mercenaries, the rivalry spiraled out of control. Eventually the fighting spilled over into a "back door" trade corridor controlled by the notorious Nok Drayen, a gangster who had destroyed half the Hutt Cartel in a single night.

With his profits in danger, Nok Drayen swiftly retaliated against both factions. The Rath Cartel and the Vandelhelm Combine soon realized they were out of their depth, as Nok Drayen called in favors from dangerous Gank mercenaries, renegade Hutts and even Imperial officials. Finally Nok Drayen attacked Vandelhelm's headquarters, while simultaneously having the leader of the Rath Cartel assassinated. When the Syndicate Wars were over, every credit Vandelhelm and the Rath Cartel had earned went into Nok Drayen's pocket.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​rishi.​datacron_2

Galactic History 91: The Syndicate Wars
Achievement: DatacronsBoth13.0.0

Galactic History 92: The Hydian Way

Driven to test themselves in war, the Mandalorians had traditionally found common ground with the goals of the Sith. After the Empire's return, a new Mandalore emerged, forged in the gladiatorial arenas of Geonosis, and agreed to an Imperial alliance. Calling his scattered people together, Mandalore assembled a powerful fleet and blockaded the Hydian Way, a critical Republic supply line.

The Core Worlds slowly began to starve, and a partnership of underworld figures led by the smuggler Hylo Visz saw opportunity. The group baited the Mandalorians with bulk freighters of goods, before a motley fleet of starships ambushed the Mandalorian cruisers and forced them to break formation. With support from the Republic Navy, the blockade was destroyed.

As Hylo and her associates grew rich overnight, the Mandalorians withdrew. Dissent was growing in the ranks. Soon, Mandalore himself would face a challenge to his leadership.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​rishi.​datacron_3

Galactic History 92: The Hydian Way
Achievement: DatacronsBoth13.0.0

Galactic History 93: The Mandalorian Schism

The Great Hunt--a test of skill, valor and daring--has been a Mandalorian tradition for generations. After the Mandalorian defeat at the Hydian Way, Mandalore organized a Great Hunt to inspire and unite his people. The winner, Artus, challenged Mandalore to a duel and shot him dead. Artus then claimed the title of Mandalore himself, reaffirming the alliance with the Sith Empire.

Several Mandalorian clans, led by the renowned warrior Jicoln Cadera, disagreed. Centuries before, Mandalore the Preserver had fought shoulder-to-shoulder with Jedi and led his people to glory; Jicoln and his clans argued that they should ally with the Republic. When Artus refused, Jicoln Cadera led the clans in an uprising against him.

The two men fought a bloody campaign, but Artus eventually prevailed. He broke the rebels, seizing their armor and ordering their children adopted into other clans. Jicoln Cadera escaped into exile, leaving Artus unchallenged.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​rishi.​datacron_4

Galactic History 93: The Mandalorian Schism
Achievement: DatacronsBoth13.0.0

Scientific Endeavors on Kessan's Landing

"That's it. It's over. The lab's been cleaned out, the last of the equipment is packed. It's being shipped out tomorrow, and then we follow the next day. Years of work, testing, experiments, results... all useless now.

When the grant from Corellia University ran out, I thought the Republic would make up the difference in our funding. Those gearheads at Corellia may have lost interest when our research turned up nothing that could make a starship go faster, but I assumed the Republic had enough sense to see the potential in our research.

I like to think I'm resourceful. Adaptable. You have to be, in this line of work, unless your life's mission is to die in a fiery lava pool. If the Republic can't see the possibilities of what we've done here, I'll look elsewhere. And no oversight means no one will notice if an equipment crate or two comes with me.

Let the savrips have this place."

-From the daily journal of a volcanologist stationed at Mount Felo

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​ord_mantell.​kessans_landing_1

Scientific Endeavors on Kessan's Landing
Achievement: DatacronsBoth17.4.0b

Galactic History 28: The Battle at Primus Goluud

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Toward the end of the Great Hyperspace War, besieged on all sides by the forces of Naga Sadow's Sith Empire, the Republic prepared for a last, desperate stand at the red giant Primus Goluud. Sadow's fleet clashed with the might of the Republic Navy, while Sith forces fought the Jedi on the surface of Coruscant itself.

Gav Daragon, who had been fooled into becoming Naga Sadow's servant, led the assault on his homeworld, Koros Major. When one of his friends was killed, Gav realized Sadow had been manipulating him, and defected to the Republic. Alongside Empress Teta's forces, he joined the battle at Primus Goluud.

Trapped, Sadow used a superweapon to explode the red giant. Sadow's forces escaped into hyperspace before the shockwave hit; Gav Daragon was killed, but not before he had transmitted Korriban's coordinates to Empress Teta and the Republic fleet.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​balmorra_imp.​datacron_1

Galactic History 28: The Battle at Primus Goluud
Achievement: DatacronsBalmorra (Imp)Imperial201.0.0

Galactic History 29: Sadow's Escape

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Naga Sadow's attempt to conquer the Republic in the Great Hyperspace War had failed. After the battle at Primus Goluud, he led the limping Sith fleet back to Korriban, only to find an old enemy waiting for him. His rival Ludo Kressh, believed dead, now commanded a fleet of his own.

The two Sith Lords fought furiously, only to be interrupted by the Republic fleet, which had pursued Sadow through hyperspace. The Republic began to attack the Sith forces, quickly gaining the upper hand.

Sadow took desperate measures. He forced one of his captains to ram Kressh's flagship, killing his rival once and for all. Left with only a single vessel and a crew of slaves, Sadow escaped the battle and fled to the remote jungle world of Yavin Four. Sadow then placed himself in a long stasis, still dreaming of a Sith golden age.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​balmorra_imp.​datacron_2

Galactic History 29: Sadow's Escape
Achievement: DatacronsBalmorra (Imp)Imperial201.0.0

Galactic History 30: Rise of the Sith Emperor

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

With the end of the Great Hyperspace War, the Republic and the Jedi began to purge the remnants of the Sith Empire--obliterating its power centers, destroying its dark teachings and leaving its people without a clear leader. The Supreme Chancellor and his allies argued that this was not a battle against the Empire's citizenry, but a necessary step to free the Sith from corruption.

The survivors among the Sith--and they were few, as famine, disease and infighting claimed those who did not continue to face down the Republic--saw it as a deathblow to their culture. But a savior arose: The man who would one day become Emperor of the Sith had weathered the war with a number of trusted followers. No record of the Sith Emperor's original identity has survived, but he was quickly accepted as the leader of the almost-shattered Sith Empire.

Although the Republic had temporarily retreated from the Horuset system, the Sith Emperor knew that Korriban would not be safe for long. While the few survivors emerged from their shelters in the deserts and shattered tombs, the Sith Emperor began to devise a plan, centuries in the execution, that would ensure the survival of the Sith and the eventual annihilation of the Republic.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​balmorra_imp.​datacron_3

Galactic History 30: Rise of the Sith Emperor
Achievement: DatacronsBalmorra (Imp)Imperial201.0.0

Galactic History 31: The Ritual of Nathema

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

During the final days of the Great Hyperspace War, the Sith Emperor and his closest followers remained upon a world known as Nathema and did not engage the Republic. It is clear from the records that Nathema is not the original name of the world, but why it was changed and why he was there has been carefully purged from all records.

What is known is that following the flight of Naga Sadow, the Emperor came to Korriban, gathered the remaining lords of the Sith and took them back with him to Nathema. There they conducted a ritual that extended the Emperor's life at the cost of the lives of more than eight thousand Sith Lords. The Ritual of Nathema is celebrated among Imperial scholars as a rare and amazing coming together of Sith for the good of the Empire.

The Emperor then gathered the younger generation of Sith, promoted new lords and promised them revenge on the Republic for its attempted genocide of the Sith people. Aboard a small fleet, the Sith Empire vanished into unknown space, leaving no trace for the Republic to find.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​balmorra_imp.​datacron_4

Galactic History 31: The Ritual of Nathema
Achievement: DatacronsBalmorra (Imp)Imperial201.0.0

Galactic History 32: Long Exile

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Led by their new Emperor, the survivors of the Sith Empire had left Korriban aboard a small fleet following the Great Hyperspace War. There was no place in known space they could hide from the Republic--and so, undaunted, they fled into the unknown regions of the galaxy. Where the old Sith Empire had often been divided by rivalries, the survivors were now united, both by their desire to find a new home and by their anger at the Republic that had sought to destroy them.

For decades, the fleet wandered among the stars--until one day, a scout vessel returned to the armada with incredible news. Either by luck or by the esoteric designs of the often-silent Emperor, the Sith had rediscovered a long-lost outpost world: the jungle planet of Dromund Kaas. Absent from any star charts, Dromund Kaas presented a perfect refuge where the Sith Empire could rebuild and plan its revenge.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140903155296015570

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​balmorra_imp.​datacron_5

Galactic History 32: Long Exile
Achievement: DatacronsBalmorra (Imp)Imperial201.0.0

Galactic History 53: The Conclave at Deneba

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Sith Krath cult had become a menace, attempting to seize the Empress Teta system and repelling a Republic fleet. Knowing the shadow of the dark side lay over the Krath, the Jedi called a conclave on the planet Deneba to discuss their next course of action. Ulic Qel-Droma suggested a risky plan: infiltrating the Krath from within.

Many disagreed, believing such a course was reckless and dangerous. During the debate, the gathering was ambushed by Krath war droids. The Jedi rallied and managed to fight the droids off, but among the casualties was one of the Jedi's wisest Masters. Arca Jeth was dead.

Ulic Qel-Droma, Arca Jeth's student, was devastated by his death. Full of grief and hatred for the Krath, Ulic swore to destroy the cultists, not seeing that his desire for revenge was leading him down a dangerous path.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​balmorra_rep.​datacron_1

Galactic History 53: The Conclave at Deneba
Achievement: DatacronsBalmorra (Rep)Republic361.0.0

Galactic History 54: Ulic's Fall

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Ulic Qel-Droma had seen his beloved Master Arca Jeth cut down by the Sith Krath cult. Grieving and angry, he ignored the advice of his brother Cay and his lover Nomi and resolved to destroy the Krath from within.

Posing as a fallen Jedi, Ulic made his way to the Empress Teta system. After foiling an assassination attempt on Aleema, one of the Krath founders, Ulic was taken into the cult's ranks. However, the second founder, Satal Keto, remained suspicious of Ulic.

Over months, Ulic became immersed in the Krath teachings, even becoming Aleema's lover. Eventually, the concerned Jedi sent a team to bring Ulic home. During the rescue attempt, Ulic dueled Satal in anger, blaming him for his Master's death. Although the Jedi were able to escape, the now truly fallen Ulic chose to remain with the Krath, taking Satal's place as the cult's leader .

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​balmorra_rep.​datacron_2

Galactic History 54: Ulic's Fall
Achievement: DatacronsBalmorra (Rep)Republic361.0.0

Galactic History 55: The Ascension of Exar Kun

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

On the advice of the spirit of the Sith Lord Freedon Nadd, the fallen Jedi Exar Kun traveled to the jungle moon of Yavin Four and encountered the Massassi--the primitive servants of the dead Sith Naga Sadow. The Massassi took Exar Kun prisoner and prepared to sacrifice him to a monstrous wyrm.

Exar Kun was forced to use his growing connection to the dark side to free himself. Freedon Nadd appeared once more, congratulating his student. But Exar Kun had tired of Nadd's meddling and used his newfound strength to obliterate Nadd's spirit. Cowed, the Massassi bowed before Exar Kun as his slaves.

Exar Kun's power grew. He ordered the Massassi to build immense temples and to seek out Naga Sadow's lost battleship. He also used Sith alchemy to create horrific monsters, including terentateks that hungered for the blood of Force users. But powerful as he was, he could sense a distant rival: Ulic Qel-Droma.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​balmorra_rep.​datacron_3

Galactic History 55: The Ascension of Exar Kun
Achievement: DatacronsBalmorra (Rep)Republic361.0.0

Galactic History 56: The Brotherhood of the Sith

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Jedi still hoped to save their fallen brother Ulic Qel-Droma, who had become leader of the evil Krath cult. Ulic's close friend Nomi led a second rescue mission to the city of Cinnagar to bring him home. But again Ulic resisted, unleashing his vast armies until the Jedi were forced to withdraw.

It was then that the Dark Jedi Exar Kun arrived at Cinnagar's royal palace. From Yavin Four, Exar Kun had sensed Ulic's growing dark power and saw him as a threat. The two men clashed in a ferocious duel until the spirit of Marka Ragnos, a long-dead Sith Lord, appeared to them.

Ragnos commanded Ulic Qel-Droma and Exar Kun to join forces; together, they could bring about the long-prophesied Golden Age of the Sith. With Exar Kun as Dark Lord and Ulic as his apprentice, the Brotherhood of the Sith was born.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​balmorra_rep.​datacron_4

Galactic History 56: The Brotherhood of the Sith
Achievement: DatacronsBalmorra (Rep)Republic361.0.0

Galactic History 57: The Brotherhood's Power Grows

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

United as the Brotherhood of the Sith, Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma set about gathering their strength. Exar Kun sought converts to his new Sith Order among the Jedi on Ossus, killing Master Odan-Urr to claim a powerful Sith holocron.

Focused on strategy, Ulic contacted the Mandalorians, whose leader, Mandalore, had challenged the Krath cult's rule of the Empress Teta system. Ulic defeated Mandalore in a duel, and the Mandalorians rallied under his banner.

Exar Kun also gave Ulic a terrible weapon--the Dark Reaper, which was capable of drawing out the life essence of an entire army. Ulic tested the Dark Reaper against Republic troops on Raxus Prime, killing hundreds. With the Dark Reaper, Mandalorian Crusaders, the Massassi warriors and Exar Kun's own horrific alchemical creations, the Brotherhood of the Sith was finally ready to challenge the Republic.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140924047723196937

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​balmorra_rep.​datacron_5

Galactic History 57: The Brotherhood's Power Grows
Achievement: DatacronsBalmorra (Rep)Republic361.0.0

Galactic History 09: The Force Wars

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

On the planet Tython, an order of philosophers and researchers arose, studying the mysterious energy that permeates all things--an energy known as the Force. However, disagreements developed within the order about how this energy should be used, leading to the Force Wars that eventually engulfed the planet. A faction comprised of those who followed a more peaceful path left Tython and established itself on the planet Ossus; later, this faction called itself the Jedi Order.

At their new enclave, the Jedi refined a code that would guide them. They became a monastic warrior people, devoting themselves to the pursuit of peace and knowledge, rather than personal power.

In the wake of the Force Wars, the Jedi also had a new understanding of the Force. They saw that the Force, while naturally light, could be used for corrupt ends. Those who did not respect its power risked falling to the dark side.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​tython.​datacron_1

Galactic History 09: The Force Wars
Achievement: DatacronsTythonRepublic101.0.0

Galactic History 10: The Tion Cluster

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

As the Core Worlds began to expand, another power in the Core was rising. The Tion Cluster, inhabited by the descendants of ancient sleeper ship crews, had developed a new hyperspace beacon technology based on fragments left by the Infinite Empire--far superior than the hyperspace cannons previously in use.

The Tion Cluster was gradually conquered by an arrogant and powerful pirate prince, known to history as the despot Xim. Using the new hyperspace technology, he despoiled world after world, taking slaves and ruthlessly expanding his territory. His rule of the Tion Cluster lasted for thirty years and saw the conquest of hundreds of thousands of planets.

Xim might have continued his rule unchallenged even longer, but he chose to expand his empire into a new area of space, one already inhabited by the powerful Hutt Empire.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​tython.​datacron_2

Galactic History 10: The Tion Cluster
Achievement: DatacronsTythonRepublic101.0.0

Galactic History 11: The Tionese Face the Hutt Empire

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Seeking to expand his territory, the ancient Tionese despot Xim began exploring the Si'klaata Cluster--and for the first time, encountered a force that could challenge him. This region belonged to the Hutt Empire. Although young, the Hutt Empire had already grown immensely powerful through its criminal enterprises, helped by the long lifespan of the Hutts.

The Hutts correctly assessed the threat Xim presented and poured resources into fighting him near the planet Vontor. Despite their strength, the Hutts were not certain of victory until they discovered the Si'klaata Cluster was home to several other powerful species, including the Nikto, Klatooinians and Vodrans. In a typical gambit, the Hutts managed to persuade these three species to sign the Treaty of Vontor, which bound them to the Hutts in perpetual slavery.

With these additional forces, the Hutts overwhelmed Xim at the third Battle of Vontor. Xim died a Hutt prisoner, leaving his vast holdings and territory free for the taking.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140933910212274443

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​tython.​datacron_3

Galactic History 11: The Tionese Face the Hutt Empire
Achievement: DatacronsTythonRepublic101.0.0

Galactic History 33: Dromund Kaas

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Once an outpost of the ancient Sith Empire, the planet Dromund Kaas now presented a refuge to the Empire's weary survivors after their long exile from Korriban. Upon landing, the Emperor addressed the populace, promising them that from this world, a new civilization would grow to eventually crush the Republic.

The challenges of colonizing such a wild planet were soon evident. Dromund Kaas's jungles were untamed, full of dangerous predators. To ensure order and discipline, military service became mandatory for non-Force sensitives. Imperial citizens took pride in this duty, knowing they were defending the future of their people.

Before withdrawing into isolation, the Emperor established a Dark Council to oversee the Empire and control the hierarchy of the Sith. He is said to have conducted many dark side rituals and experiments that affected the planet itself, leaving Dromund Kaas storm-wracked to this day.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​nar_shaddaa.​datacron_1

Galactic History 33: Dromund Kaas
Achievement: DatacronsNar ShaddaaBoth241.0.0

Galactic History 34: The Discovery of Ryll

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

In the years after the Great Hyperspace War, a discovery was made on the Twi'lek homeworld of Ryloth--the spice called ryll. Ryll was a component in several medicines, but was also a powerful stimulant. Sensing opportunity, Neimoidian traders quickly gained a monopoly on ryll and were keen to introduce it to other species.

One of these species was the Porporites, a peaceful people who had recently made first contact with the Republic. But in contrast to other species, ryll drove the Porporites into homicidal fury. Eventually, the entire species was composed of raging maniacs who began attacking other worlds.

Alarmed, the Republic asked the Jedi to take action against the Porporites, but the intervention was unsuccessful. The Neimoidians, fearing for their livelihoods, decided more desperate measures might be necessary and turned to Gank mercenaries for help.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​nar_shaddaa.​datacron_2

Galactic History 34: The Discovery of Ryll
Achievement: DatacronsNar ShaddaaBoth241.0.0

Galactic History 35: The Gank Massacres

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Addicted to the spice ryll--which drove them into a murderous frenzy--the Porporite species had become a threat to the galaxy. The Neimoidians had a monopoly on ryll and, terrified of the coming Porporite swarm, turned to the Ganks to stop the Porporites quickly.

The Ganks were mysterious, cybernetic mercenaries that often worked for the Hutts. With the Ganks' reputation as cold-blooded killers, the Neimoidians were confident they could handle the Porporite armies. But the Ganks' solution was to eliminate the entire Porporites species, and they hunted the Porporites to extinction.

Encouraged by this "success," the Ganks began wiping out other species, quickly becoming a far greater threat than the Porporites. The Jedi took up arms against them, but Supreme Chancellor Vocatara was forced to commission the first juggernaut droids to end the Gank menace for good.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​nar_shaddaa.​datacron_3

Galactic History 35: The Gank Massacres
Achievement: DatacronsNar ShaddaaBoth241.0.0

Galactic History 36: The Quarren-Mon Calamari War

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Although the Quarren and Mon Calamari both evolved on the watery world of Dac, it was millennia before the two species encountered each other. Unfortunately, initial contact went badly and the Quarren declared war. The Mon Calamari had a technological and intellectual advantage, but the Quarren repeatedly refused any overtures of peace. Eventually, the Quarren were driven to near-extinction.

But the Mon Calamari had no wish to exterminate their cousins. In a bold social experiment, the Mon Calamari took young Quarren into their society and taught them civilization, mathematics and the sciences. When these young Quarren returned to their people, they had nothing in common with their primitive fellows. Within twenty years, they had become the dominant force in Quarren society, and eventually sought peace with the Mon Calamari.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​nar_shaddaa.​datacron_4

Galactic History 36: The Quarren-Mon Calamari War
Achievement: DatacronsNar ShaddaaBoth241.0.0

Galactic History 37: Freedon Nadd

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Trained at the Jedi Temple on Ossus centuries after the Great Hyperspace War, Freedon Nadd was a powerful but temperamental Padawan. When denied promotion to the rank of Jedi Knight, the enraged Nadd struck down his Master. He left the Jedi and began to study the powers of the dark side.

Although Nadd learned much from a Sith holocron, he craved more. Nadd traveled to Yavin Four where he encountered the Massassi, savages who were once servants of the Sith Lord Naga Sadow. Nadd defeated them easily, and the awestruck Massassi took him to Sadow, who rested in a suspended animation chamber.

Unaware of the Sith Empire rebuilding itself on Dromund Kaas, Sadow believed Nadd was the acolyte he had been waiting for. But he underestimated Nadd's craving for power, and Nadd soon killed Sadow and left Yavin Four behind. Nadd settled on the distant world of Onderon, becoming a legendary tyrant.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140948956820683845

XP Level: 24

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​nar_shaddaa.​datacron_5

Galactic History 37: Freedon Nadd
Achievement: DatacronsNar ShaddaaBoth241.0.0

Galactic History 15: Mandalore

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The gray-skinned Taung species, which clashed with humans long before the formation of the Republic, had lost none of its fearsome reputation over the years. The Taung revered conflict in all forms, relishing the chance to test themselves against powerful enemies.

While the young Republic continued to expand, the Taung also sought out and colonized many worlds. Eventually they discovered an Outer Rim planet populated by enormous, vicious beasts called mythosaurs. The Taung took the world for their own, calling it Mandalore after their leader, Mandalore the First. The mythosaurs presented little challenge to the powerful Taung; in time, mythosaur bones were used to build Mandalore's first cities.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​korriban.​datacron_1

Galactic History 15: Mandalore
Achievement: DatacronsKorribanImperial101.0.0

Galactic History 16: The Alsakan Conflicts

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

During the boom period of early Republic expansion, dissent arose from the unlikeliest of quarters: the planet Alsakan. Colonized by the first explorers from Coruscant long before the development of the hyperdrive, Alsakan had been a member of the Core Worlds for centuries.

But as the planet grew more powerful and influential, its Senators believed that Alsakan, not Coruscant, should be the capital of the Republic. A series of skirmishes called the "Alsakan Conflicts" broke out, slowing Republic growth as it tried to quell Alsakan's forces.

Despite the best efforts of Republic diplomats and generals, Alsakan remained belligerent, and seventeen such uprisings would occur over the next several thousand years. Later, the battle cruisers built during the Alsakan Conflicts would inspire the Republic's Invincible-class dreadnought.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​korriban.​datacron_2

Galactic History 16: The Alsakan Conflicts
Achievement: DatacronsKorribanImperial101.0.0

Galactic History 17: The Duinuogwuin Contention

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

In their travels, the early Republic explorers encountered many bizarre and fascinating species. Most of these first contacts were peaceful, but while charting worlds in the Outer Rim, scouts encountered enormous, flame-breathing reptiles known as Duinuogwuin. The terrified scouts opened fire and fled the planet, eventually returning to Coruscant--only to discover they'd been followed. The Duinuogwuin began waging war against the capital in what would be called the "Duinuogwuin Contention."

Supreme Chancellor Fillorean, often criticized in the Senate for being hesitant and indecisive, ignored demands to mobilize the Republic Navy and attempted to communicate with the Duinuogwuin. To everyone's surprise, the Duinuogwuin were revealed to be intelligent and inherently peaceful. Supreme Chancellor Fillorean and the Duinuogwuin philosopher Borz'Mat'oh negotiated a treaty, and later even cooperated to found Coruscant's first university.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140965352798472550

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​korriban.​datacron_3

Galactic History 17: The Duinuogwuin Contention
Achievement: DatacronsKorribanImperial101.0.0

Assembly Chamber

The assembler is a critical element in the construction, modification, and enhancement of individual datacrons. While not Rakatan, the device bears striking similarities to the design methodologies of the Infinite Empire. Such technology, while not unheard of in the known regions, is spectacularly rare.

Ancient records indicate that assemblers, such as these, were instrumental in shifting the crystalline resonance that powers traditional holocrons so that the devices can be accessed and utilized by anyone - regardless of force sensitivity. When and how this innovation was developed is unknown, however the age of the few assemblers recovered, puts the development of this technology around the time of the first Jedi Exodus.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​global.​assembly_chamber_sith

Assembly Chamber
Achievement: DatacronsDromund KaasImperial101.0.0

Galactic History 18: The Hutt Cataclysms

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Since its victories against the forces of the Tion Cluster, the Hutt Empire had continued to expand its influence. It now controlled dozens of systems, and the Hutt criminal enterprises extended even into Republic space.

But the greed of the Hutts was insatiable, and their long life spans meant grudges could be carried for centuries. Rivalries became open hostilities, until their entire empire was embroiled in the "Hutt Cataclysms," a series of conflicts that saw devastating weapons unleashed on Hutt-controlled worlds.

When the cataclysms ended, the Hutt homeworld of Varl and hundreds of Hutt colonies had been rendered lifeless. Seeking a new homeworld, the Hutts began relocating to the planet Evocar, slowly buying parcels of land from the Evocii people. Eventually, the Hutts owned the entire planet, which would later be called Nal Hutta--or more often, simply "Hutta," the "Glorious Jewel."

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​dromund_kaas.​datacron_1

Galactic History 18: The Hutt Cataclysms
Achievement: DatacronsDromund KaasImperial151.0.0

Galactic History 19: The Pius Dea Crusades

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Republic had been established on principles of free speech and tolerance for all sentient beings. Unfortunately, these principles also allowed the growth of fringe groups. During the term of Supreme Chancellor Pers'lya, a fanatical pro-human religious sect calling itself "Pius Dea" emerged.

Many dismissed Pius Dea as just another cult, but the group's intentions were much more sinister. Through political maneuvering, the members conspired to have Chancellor Pers'lya impeached and their own man, Senator Contispex, put in his place. Through Supreme Chancellor Contispex, Pius Dea exploited tensions within the Hutt Empire after the Hutt Cataclysms. Eventually Contispex sanctioned an invasion of Hutt Space, beginning the Pius Dea Crusades.

Over the next thousand years, Contispex's descendants--biological and ideological--would inherit his position, continuing to wage war against various alien factions until growing unrest brought Pius Dea's rule to an end. A new Chancellor was elected, free of Pius Dea's influence, and the Pius Dea "Supreme Temple" was destroyed... but the tensions created between the Core Worlds and the Outer Rim persisted for centuries to come.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​dromund_kaas.​datacron_2

Galactic History 19: The Pius Dea Crusades
Achievement: DatacronsDromund KaasImperial151.0.0

Galactic History 20: Chancellor Blotus

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

After the Pius Dea Crusades, the Republic stagnated, forced to rebuild alliances Pius Dea had damaged. However, during the Rianitus Period, the Republic began to enjoy prosperity again under a new Supreme Chancellor, Blotus the Hutt.

Blotus had been the administrator of a network of mining worlds that split from the remnants of the former Hutt Empire. He and his worlds applied for Republic membership, and although tensions between Hutts and the Republic remained, Blotus proved both competent and popular in the Galactic Senate. He was eventually elected Supreme Chancellor by an overwhelming majority, and his position was solidified when his tax breaks for independent traders brought Coruscant into an economic boom and improved trade throughout the Core Worlds.

Blotus served a 275-year term and died peacefully in his sleep at the age of 912. His rule would be remembered with affection for centuries; even today, his favorite chair in the Senate tower's lounge is traditionally left empty.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​dromund_kaas.​datacron_3

Galactic History 20: Chancellor Blotus
Achievement: DatacronsDromund KaasImperial151.0.0

Galactic History 21: The Birth of the Mandalorians

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The culture of the gray-skinned Taung species had always been defined by conflict, even before their days battling the Battalions of Zhell on Coruscant. For millennia, striking out from the world they called Mandalore, the Taung explored and conquered new worlds, seeking new opponents to test themselves against.

Over time their philosophy of battle grew and changed, and a new cadre of elite warriors emerged. Known as the Mandalorian Crusaders, these warriors were honed by years of battle and guided by a strict code of honor. Wild stories began to spread throughout the Outer Rim of soldiers who could disappear into forests, face terrifying beasts without a trace of fear or even capture an entire planet in a day.

These tales were the first time the name "Mandalorian" became widely known. Although the Taung themselves went into decline and eventually disappeared, they left behind followers trained as they were. Ever after, the Mandalorians were a people to be respected, and feared.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​dromund_kaas.​datacron_4

Galactic History 21: The Birth of the Mandalorians
Achievement: DatacronsDromund KaasImperial151.0.0

Galactic History 22: The Second Great Schism

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Jedi Order had already faced one great schism in its history, against the fallen Xendor and his Legions of Lettow. Although Xendor had been gone for centuries, there were uneasy stirrings in the order's ranks. A group of Jedi had learned to use the Force to shape living beings, twisting them into horrific monsters.

These Dark Jedi were swiftly exiled, but they retaliated by raising an army of their monstrous creations and unleashing them against the rest of the order. The Jedi fought back, finally driving the Dark Jedi to a last stand on the planet Corbos.

Victory would not have been certain even then, but the Dark Jedi had begun to turn against one another. Without a united front, they were overwhelmed and scattered. Although the Jedi cheered their victory, it was later discovered that many of the Dark Jedi had fled Corbos, leaving no trail for anyone to follow.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140969352659235187

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​dromund_kaas.​datacron_5

Galactic History 22: The Second Great Schism
Achievement: DatacronsDromund KaasImperial151.0.0

Delicacies from the Demon Moon

Often overshadowed by political intrigue and stories of war is one of Onderon's most noteworthy figures, the innovative culinary artisan, Chef Popotis of Iziz. In early years, Popotis had become disgruntled with typical Onderonian fare. The native beasts were tough and gamey, yielding generally bland results, and the indifference of his peers only frustrated him further. Popotis was certain that his home would become synonymous with dreary food and dull palates, until an attack on a supply shuttle changed his life.

Gazing from his apartment window, he watched as wild Drexls picked through the downed ship's cargo. The creatures gnawed at boxes of provisions and tore into bags of powdered goods, producing clouds of various seasonings and spices among the wreckage.

Reignited zeal drove Popotis to achieve what others never believed possible: flavorful sustenance derived from Dxun's creatures. Ultimately, years of experimentation paid off, and he became one of Onderon's most distinguished chefs. From Popo's Sweet Drexl Sausage in Nectarwine to Spiced Cannok Canapes, Popotis's artistry with undesirable fauna made him known galaxy-wide. Even beyond the Inner Rim, his catalogue of recipes, "Delicacies from the Demon Moon," became a bestseller.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140981776572514752

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​onderon.​datacron_2

Delicacies from the Demon Moon
Achievement: DatacronsOnderonBoth326.0.0

The Dagger at Dox Piter

Dox Piter was a small collection of villages in Onderon's southern reaches, nestled around the base of a nigh unscalable spire of rock the villagers called "The Dagger." Well beyond the protection of Iziz, the inhabitants were accustomed to fending off the dangers of Onderon--until the day the great winged Wodnakki arrived from Dxun. The beast found the Dagger's peak irresistible, and it began nesting high above Dox Piter. Though the villages' protectors had never seen its like before, some speculated that it was a massive, mutated Skreev. Whatever its lineage, it proved too much for any warrior who attempted to drive it away.

The horrors escalated when the Wodnakki's eggs began to hatch. The newborn creatures (still easily the size of an average humanoid) took to swooping down on villagers and stealing them away to their unreachable roost. The village leaders of Dox Piter were certain this would be their end.

When news of the situation reached Queen Lina, the celebrated ruler gathered some of her most talented warriors and marched on Dox Piter. Succeeding where so many others had failed, Queen Lina and her Royal Guard took the fight to the top of the Dagger and clashed with the Wodnakki and its offspring. Though the battle lasted only a few hours, at its end, only two of Onderon's champions walked away victorious. Queen Lina carried her injured officer Nebet into one of the closest villages, where they were met with cacophonous cheers and renewed loyalty to the crown. Regardless of the tale's validity, the legend of Queen Lina and the Dagger at Dox Piter has fueled fears and inspiration of Onderonian children for years since.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16140981776572514752

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​onderon.​datacron_1

The Dagger at Dox Piter
Achievement: DatacronsOnderonBoth326.0.0

Galactic History 23: The Sith Order Begins

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Exiled for horrific dark side experiments, a group of Dark Jedi made a last stand against the Jedi Order on Corbos, where they were ultimately defeated. The survivors fled beyond the borders of Republic space and, seeking a refuge, they discovered the planet Korriban--home to the red-skinned Sith species. The Sith looked on the Dark Jedi's Force abilities with awe, and worshipped them as gods.

Led by the fabled warrior and tactician Ajunta Pall, the Dark Jedi began forging the Sith into a glorious civilization, built on the principles they had established after breaking with the Jedi Order. They ordered the construction of great monuments on Korriban--vast cities that did not survive the ages, glorious temples and elaborate tombs.

As time passed, the Dark Jedi and the Sith species intermarried, until there were few true purebloods remaining. Eventually, there were only small physical differences between them. There were only the Sith, strong in the dark side of the Force, and their new Sith Empire.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​taris_rep.​datacron_1

Galactic History 23: The Sith Order Begins
Achievement: DatacronsTaris (Rep)Republic201.0.0

Galactic History 24: Empress Teta

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Republic had enjoyed a long period of peace during the Manderon Period, but the Koros system was rapidly becoming a problem. Although the planet Koros Major was stable, growing wealthy on carbonite exports, the other six worlds of the system were poor and increasingly lawless.

The task of uniting the Koros system was accepted by a noble famed for her military achievements. Empress Teta was the heir to Koros Major and was determined that the rest of the Koros system would share its prosperity. To that end, Teta began the Unification Wars, hoping to bring the entire system under her rule. She was ultimately successful, though she had to fight a long and bloody campaign to conquer the planet Kirrek.

Empress Teta would become known as one of the Republic's boldest commanders. The Koros system was eventually renamed after her.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​taris_rep.​datacron_2

Galactic History 24: Empress Teta
Achievement: DatacronsTaris (Rep)Republic201.0.0

Galactic History 25: Two Rivals

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

As the Sith Empire grew in power, few Sith inspired such fear as Marka Ragnos, a tyrant who ruled for a century. His death created a power vacuum, leaving the Sith Lords Ludo Kressh and Naga Sadow vying for supremacy.

During Marka Ragnos's funeral on Korriban, Sadow and Kressh fought a duel, each claiming he was more fit to be Dark Lord of the Sith--the then-unique title of the Empire's ultimate ruler. But the spirit of Ragnos himself appeared, claiming a golden age of the Sith was coming. Moments later, the funeral assembly was alerted: A Republic ship had been captured.

The ship belonged to two hyperspace explorers, the siblings Gav and Jori Daragon, who had stumbled on Korriban. As the Sith Council debated the Daragons' fate, Naga Sadow saw opportunity. The hyperspace routes leading to the Republic had been lost; the Daragons were his chance to rediscover them.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​taris_rep.​datacron_3

Galactic History 25: Two Rivals
Achievement: DatacronsTaris (Rep)Republic201.0.0

Galactic History 26: Naga Sadow's Deceptions

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

For years, the Sith Lord Naga Sadow had been arguing unsuccessfully that the Sith Empire needed to expand. His chance came when Gav and Jori Daragon, two hyperspace explorers, accidentally discovered Korriban. With the Daragons sentenced to death, Sadow helped them escape, planning to use them to rediscover the hyperspace routes to the Republic. He then claimed to the Sith Council that Republic agents had freed the prisoners. Surely invasion was imminent?

Naga Sadow's rival, Ludo Kressh, grew suspicious. As Sadow began to train Gav Daragon as his protege, Kressh raised a force against Sadow, hoping to expose his treachery. But Sadow crushed Kressh's armies and declared himself Dark Lord of the Sith. In the confusion of the battle, Jori Daragon fled back to the Republic, not realizing her ship carried a homing beacon for the Sith to follow.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​taris_rep.​datacron_4

Galactic History 26: Naga Sadow's Deceptions
Achievement: DatacronsTaris (Rep)Republic201.0.0

Galactic History 27: The Great Hyperspace War

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Sith had never forgotten their first exile from Republic space. With a trail unwittingly laid by the hyperspace explorer Jori Daragon, Sith Lord Naga Sadow saw a chance for revenge and to expand the borders of the Sith Empire. He had tricked the Sith Council into believing the Republic was about to attack and united several Sith factions into a massive invasion fleet.

Meanwhile, Jori Daragon had done her best to warn the Republic of an impending Sith invasion, but only the warlord Empress Teta believed her. Teta was still gathering her armies when Sadow's entire fleet arrived in the Koros system and opened fire.

Jedi and Republic forces rallied quickly, but strengthened by Sith sorcery, Sadow's attacks were unpredictable and devastating. The conflict quickly spread throughout the galaxy, until even Coruscant was threatened. The Great Hyperspace War became the first conflict on a truly galactic scale.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141008063347613517

XP Level: 20

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​taris_rep.​datacron_5

Galactic History 27: The Great Hyperspace War
Achievement: DatacronsTaris (Rep)Republic201.0.0

Catastrophe on Ruhnuk

"Final Report on Ruhnuk Mining Disaster


Although output on the initial lodes of calcite and derillium were well above expectations, the next year's output was reduced to well below expectations for three reasons. First, the largest and easiest to exploit source was mostly consumed in that first year. Second, based on the richness of the earlier lodes, Project Overseer Fent Jucalla redirected mining output toward scaling up infrastructure construction on the planet's surface. This proved to be the kindling for the third factor: the arrival of an unusual nebula around the planet.

The dust storms that erupted as a result of the nebula's arrival slowed production a great deal. As the planet moved deeper into the nebula, energy disturbances interrupted communications. This made it difficult to coordinate operations.

Worse still, the interruption of communications caused the construction droids to lose connection to the master control systems. Survivors report that drilling droids continued through adjoining tunnels, heedless of what--or who--may be present in those tunnels. Others describe construction droids sealing workers in the ferrocrete tunnel lining.

Without functioning communications equipment, the evacuation of Ruhnuk was haphazard, and word did not reach headquarters until the evacuation ships cleared the nebula. Despite the abandonment of equipment and tremendous loss of investment, Overseer Jucalla testifies that priority in the evacuation was given to the surviving workers. Had it been otherwise, he claims, the ships would have been overburdened as they escaped the strange nebula that now completely surrounds Ruhnuk."

--From a datafile used in a Gatressa Mining Conglomerate board meeting

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141039360586669271

XP Level: 1

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​ruhnuk.​datacron_mastery

Catastrophe on Ruhnuk
Achievement: DatacronsRuhnukBoth17.2.0

Galactic History 61: The Brotherhood is Broken

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Grieving for his brother and severed from the Force, the fallen Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma finally returned to the light. He joined the Republic forces and led them to Yavin Four, stronghold of the Dark Lord Exar Kun. The Republic fleet bombarded the moon's surface, leveling Exar Kun's temples and setting the jungles aflame.

But Exar Kun had sensed the approach of the Republic forces and laid preparations. Summoning his loyal Massassi warriors, he performed a dreadful ritual that drained them of their life essence. Exar Kun became a spirit of pure darkness.

The Jedi in the fleet sensed Exar Kun's actions. Led by Nomi, they created a "wall of light" through the Force. Exar Kun found himself trapped within the temples of Yavin Four for eternity, screaming with rage and helpless to escape.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​corellia.​datacron_6

Galactic History 61: The Brotherhood is Broken
Achievement: DatacronsCorelliaBoth501.0.0

Galactic History 62: The Great Sith War Ends

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The death of Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma's redemption had scattered the cultists of the Brotherhood of the Sith--but the Mandalorian armies that also served would not give up the fight. The Republic forced the Mandalorians to the Onderonian moon Dxun, where Mandalore was devoured by wild beasts. The Empress Teta system was reclaimed next, and the last vestiges of the Sith cult fled to the Outer Rim, leaderless.

The Jedi Order had suffered many losses in the Great Sith War, but none was felt more keenly than the destruction of Ossus, which had been the order's home for generations. The Jedi had lost their libraries and precious artifacts and needed to rebuild. After much debate, the Jedi Order moved its headquarters to the temple on Coruscant.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​corellia.​datacron_7

Galactic History 62: The Great Sith War Ends
Achievement: DatacronsCorelliaBoth501.0.0

Galactic History 78: The Sith Triumvirate

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

In the chaos after the Jedi Civil War, new Sith began to rise up, inspired by the likes of Exar Kun and Darth Revan and unaware of the Sith Empire still hidden on Dromund Kaas. Three lords stood above all others: Darth Nihilus, whose hunger devoured all life around him; Darth Sion, whose shattered body was held together by hatred; and Darth Traya, once a Jedi Master but now the Lord of Betrayal. These Sith Lords ruled from ancient Sith ruins on Malachor Five.

Darth Traya was the most senior of the three, but when Sion and Nihilus united against her, she fled Malachor Five and took the name Kreia. Darth Sion created an elite cadre of Sith assassins, eroding the already-weakened Jedi from the shadows, while Darth Nihilus began roaming the galaxy, seeking the life energy of Force users to satisfy his insatiable hunger. The Republic's short reprieve was over.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​corellia.​datacron_1

Galactic History 78: The Sith Triumvirate
Achievement: DatacronsCorelliaBoth501.0.0

Galactic History 79: The Conclave at Katarr

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Dark times had come to the Republic. Reconstruction from the Jedi Civil War was still ongoing, and the Jedi Order's numbers were dwindling. Worse, many Jedi sensed a new Sith threat emerging but could not pinpoint the source.

Finally, the Jedi Council called a conclave on the Miraluka colony of Katarr. The order's Masters, including the legendary Vandar Tokare, gathered to discuss the possibility that the Sith had returned. They did not know that Darth Nihilus, a being of pure hunger and dark side power, was approaching the colony.

Drawn to the assembled Masters, Nihilus devoured the life energy of everything on Katarr. Millions of Miraluka died, along with most of the Jedi Order's senior members. Walking Katarr's lifeless surface later, Darth Nihilus came across the only survivor: the traumatized Miraluka Visas Marr, whom Nihilus took as his apprentice.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​corellia.​datacron_2

Galactic History 79: The Conclave at Katarr
Achievement: DatacronsCorelliaBoth501.0.0

Galactic History 80: A Return from Exile

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

During the Mandalorian Wars, many Jedi disobeyed the Jedi Council to follow Revan's call to arms. But only one Jedi returned to face the Council's judgment. The so-called Jedi Exile had been one of Revan's generals, and she was responsible for the destruction of Malachor Five.

Having lost all ability to feel the Force, the Exile accepted the Council's sentence of banishment and left to wander the Outer Rim. When she returned years later, the Jedi had all but vanished--slain by mysterious Sith assassins or driven into hiding.

Simply by returning, the Exile became a target for these Sith and was hounded to the remote Peragus system. After meeting a mysterious Force-sensitive named Kreia at Peragus, the Exile began searching for any surviving Jedi Masters to discover what they knew.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​corellia.​datacron_3

Galactic History 80: A Return from Exile
Achievement: DatacronsCorelliaBoth501.0.0

Galactic History 81: The Battle of Telos Four

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The forces of the Sith Triumvirate had hunted the Jedi almost to extinction. The Jedi Exile, cut off from the Force, went in search of the remaining Jedi Masters and, perhaps, an explanation. But the Exile's mentor, Kreia, had other plans--when the Exile finally gathered the Masters, Kreia slew them all.

As the Exile recovered from this encounter, Kreia deliberately enticed the terrible Darth Nihilus to the planet Telos Four. Nihilus prepared to devour all life on the planet, and Nihilus's dreadnought, the Ravager, was met by the Republic Navy and Mandalorian forces.

During the battle, the Exile boarded the Ravager and faced Nihilus. Unable to devour the Exile as he had so many others, Nihilus was finally defeated. With Telos safe, the Exile pursued Kreia.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​corellia.​datacron_4

Galactic History 81: The Battle of Telos Four
Achievement: DatacronsCorelliaBoth501.0.0

Galactic History 82: Darth Traya's Return

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

While seeking out the last surviving Jedi Masters, the Jedi Exile had learned much. Although the Exile had been deafened to the Force, this condition was not a punishment by the Council for fighting in the Mandalorian Wars; it had been caused by the millions of deaths at the battle of Malachor Five.

Knowing the Exile was haunted by Malachor, Kreia--taking up the mantle of Darth Traya again--returned to the planet. The assassin Darth Sion also returned there to face the Exile, but he was defeated, persuaded to release his unnatural hold on life.

Finally, the Exile dueled Darth Traya--who claimed that, despite her betrayal, there was no ill-will between them. To Traya, the Exile represented freedom from the Force, which Traya had come to despise. With Traya's death, the Exile left Malachor Five for the last time, and the Sith Triumvirate was defeated.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141060140100412063

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​corellia.​datacron_5

Galactic History 82: Darth Traya's Return
Achievement: DatacronsCorelliaBoth501.0.0

Huttbreaker's Rebellion

Prava's grasp on the station was tentative--the hollowed-out asteroid required more upkeep than a typical mining station, and despite its profits, few in the Cartel believed the small operation was a worthy venture. Without sufficient outside investment, even the most basic infrastructure was difficult for the Hutt to maintain.

During the Hutt Cartel's crisis on Makeb, Prava's attentions were more divided than usual, and a Nikto slave named Gritha Dar used the Hutt's distraction to her advantage. Captivating and eloquent, Dar persuaded smugglers, gun runners, ex-Mandalorian warriors, and even slave traders that doing business with her instead of a weak and incompetent Hutt would be far more lucrative.

Once she secured her network of resources, Dar rallied her fellow slaves against Prava and his mercenaries, who were blindsided by the overwhelming forces the slaves had acquired. Dar was a ferocious leader, and Prava was outmatched from the start; the revolution was over almost as quickly as it began.

When the dust settled, no one questioned that Dar should lead the survivors through whatever came next. Dar immediately accepted her new role, formed a council out of prominent figures who supported her rebellion, and renamed the station "Mek-Sha," in honor of a friend she claims inspired her revolution.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141063520887741040

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​mek_sha.​datacron_2

Huttbreaker's Rebellion
Achievement: DatacronsMek-ShaBoth326.0.0

The Hutts Discover Mek-Sha

When the Hutts took control of Makeb, a low-ranking Cartel member named Loddu was tasked with rooting out potential competitors to Makeb's isotope-5 mining operations. During his search, he discovered a small team of geologists who claimed to have located mineral-rich deposits on an asteroid. Loddu, unsatisfied with his meager share of Makeb's profits, sent a team of mercenaries to capture the geologists and claim the asteroid.

Within months, Loddu used what little leverage he had to transport slaves and bodyguards to the asteroid, and before long, it was a bustling mining station. Despite the overabundance of resources the imprisoned geologists had promised, production on the station was slow. Against the advice of his advisors, Loddu demanded that miners use explosives to clear areas of the asteroid faster. The hasty, substandard demolition destroyed a large portion of the rock and resulted in the demise of many laborers and mercenaries--and the impatient Hutt himself.

Loddu's sibling, Prava, unwillingly took ownership of the station and its slaves, who were seething over Loddu's carelessness. But when Prava arrived to survey the asteroid's damage, he discovered that he had also inherited an untold amount of wealth: the explosion had unearthed the valuable minerals Loddu had been seeking.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141063520887741040

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​mek_sha.​datacron_1

The Hutts Discover Mek-Sha
Achievement: DatacronsMek-ShaBoth326.0.0

Galactic History 43: The Great Droid Revolution

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Debate had been raging in the Republic over the issue of droid rights: Did droids deserve the same treatment as organic beings, and was owning droids tantamount to slavery? This question was rendered moot when a Czerka-built assassin droid, HK-01, went rogue and began reprogramming other droids to rise up against their masters, in what would be called the Great Droid Revolution.

Republic citizens, surrounded by thousands of rogue droids--every model, from protocol to sanitation to battle units--found themselves at the mercy of their former servants. Several planets were subjugated in the name of the droid rebellion, until the signal controlling the droids was traced.

Following the signal, a team of Jedi destroyed HK-01, returning the rogue droids to their original programming. The relieved Republic returned to normal, and the issue of droid rights was not raised again.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​alderaan.​datacron_1

Galactic History 43: The Great Droid Revolution
Achievement: DatacronsAlderaanBoth321.0.0

Galactic History 44: The Jedi Nomi

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Born Nomi Da-Boda, Nomi was the wife of the Jedi Knight Andur. She had no interest in developing her natural gifts in the Force, preferring to care for their daughter, Vima. But when they were ambushed by thugs and Andur was killed, Nomi saw his spirit urging her to pick up his lightsaber and defend their daughter. Reluctantly taking up the weapon, Nomi skillfully fought the thugs off and later left for the planet Ambria to train under Master Thon.

While on Ambria, Nomi discovered she had a talent for battle meditation--the Jedi gift of influencing and inspiring others through the Force--but never lost her trepidation at wielding a lightsaber. Nevertheless, Nomi's Masters foresaw that she would have an important role to play in the galaxy, which came to fruition with the rise of the Krath cult.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​alderaan.​datacron_2

Galactic History 44: The Jedi Nomi
Achievement: DatacronsAlderaanBoth321.0.0

Galactic History 45: The Krath Cult

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

As the Jedi know only too well, evil can arise from the most unlikely of sources. In the years after the Great Droid Revolution, two aristocrats, Satal Keto and his cousin Aleema, came to power in the Empress Teta system. Bored and spoiled, they became interested in the secrets of the Sith. They and their friends formed a Sith cult named Krath.

But Satal and Aleema began to crave real power. During a visit to the Galactic Museum on Coruscant, they spotted a book of ancient Sith lore and rituals and decided to steal it.

Once they had the book, they realized it was written in a long-forgotten Sith language. But Satal learned of the planet Onderon, once ruled by the Sith Lord Freedon Nadd, and the cousins left to unlock the book's secrets there.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​alderaan.​datacron_3

Galactic History 45: The Krath Cult
Achievement: DatacronsAlderaanBoth321.0.0

Galactic History 46: Nadd's Legacy

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Once ruled by the Sith Lord Freedon Nadd, Onderon had gained a dark reputation. Master Arca Jeth sent three Jedi, including the brothers Ulic and Cay Qel-Droma, to act as stewards of the planet and bring peace to its people. When the Jedi arrived, Onderon's ruler--Queen Amanoa--begged for the Jedi's help in protecting her people from the warrior Beast Riders, who soon captured her daughter Galia.

Upon investigating, the Jedi learned the truth: Galia and the Beast Rider warlord Oron Kira had arranged the abduction together, planning to marry and unite their warring cultures. Queen Amanoa was actually a descendant of Freedon Nadd, strong in the dark side, and the Jedi were among her enemies.

The queen's forces battled with those of the Beast Riders and the Jedi. Cay Qel-Droma lost his arm in the fighting, and only the arrival of Arca Jeth--who used battle meditation to turn the battle in the Jedi's favor--saved Onderon. With Queen Amanoa's defeat, Galia and Oron Kira began rebuilding their world.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​alderaan.​datacron_4

Galactic History 46: Nadd's Legacy
Achievement: DatacronsAlderaanBoth321.0.0

Galactic History 47: Naddist Rebels

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

With Queen Amanoa dead, Onderon enjoyed a brief period of peace, but a shadow still hung over the planet. So-called "Naddist Rebels" began to emerge, a sect that revered the teachings of the Sith Lord Freedon Nadd. Master Arca Jeth and his students sought to cleanse Onderon of Nadd's influence by moving Nadd's sarcophagus to Onderon's moon, Dxun, but they were ambushed by Naddists who stole the sarcophagus.

While seeking out the Naddists, Arca Jeth discovered that King Ommin, long thought dead, was being kept alive in a secret facility. Also a follower of Nadd, Ommin joined forces with Nadd's undying spirit and managed to capture Arca Jeth. The king fled to a secret stronghold while Arca Jeth's student, Ulic Qel-Droma, called for Republic reinforcements.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141076066187801147

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​alderaan.​datacron_5

Galactic History 47: Naddist Rebels
Achievement: DatacronsAlderaanBoth321.0.0

Galactic History 12: The Birth of the Republic

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

For centuries, safe and reliable travel through hyperspace had been the biggest obstacle to galactic exploration. Finally, Corellian scientists managed to perfect hyperdrive technology on par with that of the ancient Rakata, allowing travel between the Core Worlds in mere days. Joined by trade and renewed communication channels, the Core Worlds signed an accord and united as the first Galactic Republic.

The newborn Republic began exploration of hyperspace routes in earnest, supported by daring Duros scouts and eventually established the Perlemian Trade Route. This route connected Coruscant to many worlds, including Ossus, where the Jedi Order's enclave had been established centuries before. The Jedi welcomed Republic scouts with curiosity and interest.

The head of the enclave, Master Haune Tiar, returned with the scouts to the allied Core Worlds. Impressed by what he saw, Master Tiar also foresaw the young Republic would need protectors. After conferring for several weeks, the Jedi pledged themselves as the Republic's guardians of peace and justice. The foundations for the modern Republic were laid.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​ord_mantell.​datacron_1

Galactic History 12: The Birth of the Republic
Achievement: DatacronsOrd MantellRepublic101.0.0

Galactic History 13: The First Great Schism

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

After the Force Wars, when the Jedi Order learned of the destructive power of the dark side, the Jedi devoted themselves to the path of the light. In the early days of the Republic, a young Kashi Mer Jedi named Xendor defied the order's code and began experimenting with dark side techniques. Incensed, the Jedi Order confronted Xendor and banished him from Ossus.

Xendor, now immensely powerful and full of rage, raised an army on the planet Lettow and led it against the Jedi. Not since the Force Wars had the Jedi fought their own. Xendor and the Legions of Lettow eventually fell in battle; his lover, Arden Lyn, was defeated by the Jedi Master Awdrysta Pina and placed into a strange stasis, sustained by the dark side. Although this first schism within the Jedi was over, it would not be the last.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​ord_mantell.​datacron_2

Galactic History 13: The First Great Schism
Achievement: DatacronsOrd MantellRepublic101.0.0

Galactic History 14: The Fall of Tion

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Tionese Cluster, once a great civilization ruled by the despot Xim, entered its fading years as the Republic began its ascension. The third great power in the galaxy, the Hutt Empire, was also thriving. The Hutts used their criminal influence to control entire worlds, extorting and enslaving their subjects. Fear of the Hutts drove many worlds to seek membership in the Republic; truthfully, far more than the Republic could safely allow.

Eventually, war broke out between the Tion Cluster and the Republic. Despite--or because of--the Tionese's lack of resources, the Republic found them a dangerous foe. In response, Republic spies quietly stirred up trouble between the Tion Cluster and their old enemies, the Hutt Empire.

Facing a war on two fronts, the Tionese submitted to the Republic. The worlds of the Tion Cluster gradually came under the Republic's banner, finally ending their long enmity.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141091541170885060

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​ord_mantell.​datacron_3

Galactic History 14: The Fall of Tion
Achievement: DatacronsOrd MantellRepublic101.0.0

Galactic History 63: The Terentatek Hunt

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Although the Dark Lord Exar Kun was gone, traces of his evil remained. Exar Kun had been a master of Sith alchemy and his monstrous terentateks had thrived--reshaped and empowered to hunt Force-sensitives. After the Great Sith War, the Jedi Council sent three Jedi--Shaela Nuur, Guun Han Saresh and Duron Qel-Droma--to hunt these beasts down.

Initially close friends, the three Jedi began to quarrel as the hunt went on. Guun Han Saresh disapproved of Duron and Shaela's budding romance and left the group. He later perished in the Kashyyyk Shadowlands, trying to fight a terentatek alone.

Meanwhile, Duron and Shaela pursued two terentateks in the tombs of Korriban, but Duron was killed by one of the beasts. Stricken by grief and rage, Shaela tried to take on both beasts by herself but was overwhelmed, ending the terentatek hunt.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​hoth.​datacron_1

Galactic History 63: The Terentatek Hunt
Achievement: DatacronsHothBoth401.0.0

Galactic History 64: The Kanz Disorders

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Distracted by the Great Sith War, the Republic had overlooked growing dissent on the planet Argazda. Its provisional governor, Myrial, declared the Kanz Sector independent of the Republic and established a totalitarian regime. She began attacking and enslaving nearby worlds, including Lorrd.

Many protested the Republic's refusal to take action against Argazda, but the Republic was in no position to begin another war so soon after destroying the Brotherhood of the Sith. Even as the Republic rebuilt, the Mandalorian Wars and subsequent conflicts would prevent it from taking up arms against Argazda for another three hundred years.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​hoth.​datacron_2

Galactic History 64: The Kanz Disorders
Achievement: DatacronsHothBoth401.0.0

Galactic History 65: An Exile on Rhen Var

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Ulic Qel-Droma had vanished into exile a broken man. His fate was discussed at the Jedi Convocation on Exis Station, led by his former lover, Nomi. As the order debated how to rebuild, Sylvar, whose mate had died in the Great Sith War, called for Ulic to be harshly punished. Her demands were refused.

After the convocation, Vima, Nomi's daughter, sought Ulic out on Rhen Var and asked him to train her as a Jedi. Although reluctant, Ulic agreed for Nomi's sake. Bent on revenge, however, Sylvar had paid a scavenger to track Ulic down.

Sylvar brought Nomi to Rhen Var where they confronted Ulic, but Vima persuaded them to forgive him. The scavenger, Hoggon, had other ideas and shot Ulic in the back. Ulic's body vanished into the Force, allowing the Jedi Order to finally focus on healing.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​hoth.​datacron_3

Galactic History 65: An Exile on Rhen Var
Achievement: DatacronsHothBoth401.0.0

Galactic History 66: The Jedi Covenant

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The fall of Exar Kun and the destruction caused by the Great Sith War weighed heavily on the consciences of many Jedi. The Jedi seer Krynda Draay, who had lost her husband in the conflict, blamed herself for not foreseeing Exar Kun's corruption as a Sith Lord and decided to take action. Having trained the order's visionaries for years, she secretly created a Jedi Covenant without the Council's knowledge, binding the most powerful Jedi seers into a WatchCircle.

The Covenant's task was simple: Watch for Sith influences and eliminate them before they became a threat. Funded by Krynda Draay's vast family wealth, the Covenant quietly recruited Jedi--usually those believed missing in action--as its shadows and operatives and sought out Sith artifacts to destroy. Meanwhile, its seers remained vigilant, watching through the Force for any approaching evil.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​hoth.​datacron_4

Galactic History 66: The Jedi Covenant
Achievement: DatacronsHothBoth401.0.0

Galactic History 67: Mandalore the Ultimate

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Mandalorians had suffered not only defeat but humiliation in the Great Sith War. After their leader, Mandalore the Indomitable, crash-landed on Dxun and was devoured by wild beasts at the war's end, a new warrior rose to take his place, later called "Mandalore the Ultimate."

Deciding to bring in new blood, Mandalore opened the ranks of the Mandalorian Crusaders--once dominated by the followers of the ancient Taung, now fielding alien recruits. Calling themselves Neo-Crusaders, these warriors adopted traditional Mandalorian armor and training. Mandalore established a base on Dxun, testing his warriors against Dxun's infamous predators.

As their ranks grew, the Neo-Crusaders began to conquer worlds weakened in the Great Sith War. Later Jedi would believe Sith influences propelled the Mandalorians into war, but the Mandalorians themselves claimed to be driven only by the chance for conquest and revenge.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141109882649941585

XP Level: 40

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​hoth.​datacron_5

Galactic History 67: Mandalore the Ultimate
Achievement: DatacronsHothBoth401.0.0

Galactic History 88: The Unlikely Champion

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Established in ancient times, the Great Hunt is a Mandalorian contest of skill and glory overseen by the venerable Wookiee Huntmaster. Though the clans had been scattered, there was an attempt to keep the Great Hunt and its traditions alive. However, during one Great Hunt, the Mandalorians were surprised to see a droid among the competitors--an utterly unprecedented event.

After questioning the droid--an obsolete construction model--the Huntmaster overrode objections from conservative hunters and allowed its entry. The nameless droid proceeded to outwit and out-gun its way to victory in the Great Hunt.

When the droid returned to claim its title as champion, more arguments ensued. Ression Trana, a prominent clan leader, claimed loudly that a droid champion mocked Mandalorian traditions. The droid listened patiently until Trana accused it of being a proxy for a cowardly hunter. Without hesitation, the droid kicked Ression Trana, mid-sentence, through a window. In the aftermath, the droid earned not only the title of Grand Champion, but also its nickname: "the Defenestrator".

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​makeb.​datacron_1

Galactic History 88: The Unlikely Champion
Achievement: DatacronsMakebBoth322.0.0

Galactic History 89: Capturing the Dread Masters

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

One of the Sith Emperor's mightiest weapons in the Great War was also one of his oldest: six ancient Sith Lords known as the Dread Masters who had served the Emperor for centuries. Meditating in unison, they could inflict crippling fear to shatter enemy armies' morale, causing Republic troop formations to abandoned their allies mid-battle, and sending entire battle fleets running blindly into hyperspace.

Slowly, the Jedi pieced together the truth of these events. They joined forces with an elite Republic Special Forces unit, who stole the security codes for the Dread Masters' heavily-guarded dreadnaught. Hijacking an Imperial Moff's personal yacht, a Republic strike team boarded the dreadnaught and, aided by Jedi Master Jaric Kaedan, captured the Dread Masters. The dreadnaught was rigged for self-destruct to cover the strike team's escape.

The Republic officially announced that the Dread Masters had been killed, even as the Jedi secretly arranged their imprisonment on Belsavis. However, the loss of the Dread Masters antagonized the Dark Council, and may have contributed to the Empire's decision to attack Alderaan.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141112529810539905

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​makeb.​datacron_2

Galactic History 89: Capturing the Dread Masters
Achievement: DatacronsMakebBoth322.0.0

Galactic History 73: The Battle of Malachor Five

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Ignoring the Jedi Council's disapproval, the Jedi generals Revan and Malak had gone to war against the Mandalorians, gradually pushing the warriors back. After lengthy maneuvering, Revan chose the planet Malachor Five as his final battleground.

As Republic and Mandalorian ships clashed, Revan challenged Mandalore himself to single combat and defeated him, claiming the mask that was Mandalore's symbol of leadership. Meanwhile, one of Revan's generals enacted Revan's fearful plan, activating a superweapon called the Mass Shadow Generator.

The Mass Shadow Generator destroyed not only the Mandalorian fleet, but most of the Republic ships and much of the planet Malachor Five. The Republic suffered horrific losses, but Revan, hardened by years of war, saw it as a necessary price for victory. Leaderless, the remnants of the Mandalorian fleet fled into the Unknown Regions, with Revan and Malak in pursuit.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​voss.​datacron_1

Galactic History 73: The Battle of Malachor Five
Achievement: DatacronsVossBoth481.0.0

Galactic History 74: Revan and Malak Fall

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Finally, the Mandalorians had been routed. The Jedi generals Revan and Malak had killed Mandalore and hounded the remnants of the enemy fleet far beyond the boundaries of Republic space--and in so doing, performed terrible deeds and learned dark powers.

But there were darker days to come. During Revan's pursuit of the Mandalorians, he and Malak discovered the ancient Sith Empire hidden on Dromund Kaas. Realizing this Empire was the true threat to the Republic, Revan and Malak faced the Sith Emperor himself, intending to cut off the serpent's head--but the Emperor was too powerful. Overwhelmed by the Emperor's dark presence, they pledged themselves to his service.

The Sith Emperor anointed Revan and Malak as true Sith Lords and sent them to seek out the Star Forge, an ancient alien space station capable of producing powerful starships and droids. Never revealing the existence of the Emperor, Revan and Malak then returned to the armies that had followed them against the Mandalorians, armed their loyal servants with the Star Forge's weapons, and marched to war against the Republic.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​voss.​datacron_2

Galactic History 74: Revan and Malak Fall
Achievement: DatacronsVossBoth481.0.0

Galactic History 75: The Jedi Civil War

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Revan and Malak, once great Jedi, had turned to the dark side and sought to conquer the Republic. With an infinite fleet produced by the Star Forge space station, they seemed as unstoppable as the Mandalorians. They took control of entire systems and established a new Sith academy on Korriban.

This time, the Jedi Council did not hesitate to act. The Republic lured the Sith Lords into battle against a small fleet. This allowed a Jedi strike team led by Bastila Shan to board Darth Revan's flagship.

Darth Malak had plans of his own. Having grudgingly taken his role as Revan's apprentice, he decided to usurp his master. With the Jedi providing a perfect distraction, Malak fired on Revan's flagship, destroying the bridge. Malak claimed the title of Dark Lord, not realizing the Jedi strike team had survived and taken Revan--injured, but alive--as their prisoner.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​voss.​datacron_3

Galactic History 75: The Jedi Civil War
Achievement: DatacronsVossBoth481.0.0

Galactic History 76: Revan is Remade

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Throughout Jedi history, the order has always refused to execute prisoners. When the wounded Darth Revan--the fallen Jedi responsible for countless deaths and acts of war--was captured, the Jedi Council saw an opportunity to stop Revan's successor, Darth Malak.

Using the Force, the Jedi reprogrammed Revan's mind with a new identity--that of an ordinary Republic citizen. Alongside Bastila Shan, a Jedi gifted in Battle Meditation, Revan began seeking out Rakata star maps, unwittingly retracing the path to the Star Forge battle station that served as Darth Malak's secret weapon.

Along the way, Revan retrained as a Jedi and learned of his terrible past. Aboard the Star Forge, he saved the life of Bastila Shan and faced Darth Malak in battle. Finally, Revan struck Malak down, ending a galactic threat and the Jedi Civil War.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​voss.​datacron_4

Galactic History 76: Revan is Remade
Achievement: DatacronsVossBoth481.0.0

Galactic History 77: A Return to the Unknown Regions

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

With Darth Malak gone and the Star Forge destroyed, peace returned to the galaxy. The Republic and the Jedi began regaining strength after the Jedi Civil War.

But for the redeemed Jedi Revan, peace was fleeting. Old memories began to surface--fragmented memories of the lost Sith Empire building strength on Dromund Kaas. Revan knew that the Sith would not remain in the Unknown Regions forever, and that the Republic was not strong enough to face them.

Finally, Revan made a decision. After leaving behind instructions with allies like Bastila Shan and Carth Onasi, Revan left for the Unknown Regions hoping to put an end to the Sith Empire. He was never seen again.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141116506689843478

XP Level: 48

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​voss.​datacron_5

Galactic History 77: A Return to the Unknown Regions
Achievement: DatacronsVossBoth481.0.0

Galactic History 68: The Mandalorians Return

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Mandalorians had never forgotten their humiliating defeat at the Republic's hands during the Great Sith War. With his Neo-Crusader warriors prepared by a decade of conquest, Mandalore the Ultimate decided the time was right and launched an assault on the Republic. Several Zabrak colonies fell to the Mandalorian advance, under heavy blaster fire and the shadow of Basilisk war droids.

Finally provoked into action, the Republic appealed to the Jedi for military support, but the Council refused. The Masters believed there were greater forces at work behind the Mandalorian invasion than a simple lust for war. They wanted to remain apart from the conflict, believing the true threat would reveal itself in time. However, some younger Jedi disagreed with the Council's edict. These Jedi would form a splinter group, the "Revanchists," and answer the Republic's call for help.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​belsavis.​datacron_1

Galactic History 68: The Mandalorians Return
Achievement: DatacronsBelsavisBoth441.0.0

Galactic History 69: The Mandalorian Wars

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Mandalorians had returned to take revenge on the Republic and sate their lust for war and conquest. With the Jedi Council refusing to lend military aid--believing the true threat was still unclear, and the risk of conflict-hardened Jedi falling to the darkness was high--the Republic was unable to prevent the Mandalorians from devastating the planet Cathar. Millions died. This was the last straw for several young Jedi, who disobeyed the Council to join the war effort.

The most notable was Revan, a charismatic and skilled leader who rose to the rank of general. Revan's friend Alek, later known as Malak, distinguished himself on the front lines. Revan's tactics and Malak's unyielding strength turned the tide, helping the Republic forces to victory at Althir and Jaga's Cluster.

But the Council did not approve. Seeing their rash involvement in the war and their gradual adoption of Mandalorian tactics, the Council watched Revan and Malak's heroics uneasily, remembering the fall of Exar Kun.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​belsavis.​datacron_2

Galactic History 69: The Mandalorian Wars
Achievement: DatacronsBelsavisBoth441.0.0

Galactic History 70: The Covenant Acts

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

For years, the Jedi Covenant had existed secretly within the Jedi Order, dedicated to finding and destroying the next Sith threat before it began. Then, during a mission with their Padawans, the Covenant seers had a terrifying vision: a Sith Lord in red destroying the galaxy. The Covenant realized their Padawans were wearing red environmental suits, exactly like the Sith Lord in their vision.

The Jedi Covenant made a solemn decision. To ensure the galaxy's safety, their Padawans had to be killed before the prophecy was fulfilled. The terrible deed was done on Taris during the Padawans' knighting ceremony.

Only the Padawan Zayne Carrick, who was late to the ceremony, survived. Framed for the murder of his fellow Padawans, Carrick went on the run, pursued by the Covenant who feared he would become the next Sith Lord.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​belsavis.​datacron_3

Galactic History 70: The Covenant Acts
Achievement: DatacronsBelsavisBoth441.0.0

Galactic History 71: The Muur Talisman

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

As the Mandalorian Wars raged, Zayne Carrick escaped the Jedi Covenant, falsely accused of murdering his fellow Padawans. While hiding on Taris, Carrick encountered Celeste Morne, one of the Covenant's shadow operatives. Morne was searching for the Muur Talisman, a Sith artifact that could turn humans into monstrous rakghouls.

Morne attempted to arrest Carrick but was interrupted by a Mandalorian raid. Realizing the Mandalorians had found the Muur Talisman, Morne and Carrick stowed away on the Mandalorians' ship to Jebble. The dark talisman possessed Morne, and she began using it to turn the Mandalorians into rakghouls.

Horrified, Carrick finally persuaded Morne to see reason. She agreed to be sealed away in an oubliette to protect the galaxy from the talisman's corruptive power. The oubliette was lost when the Mandalorians razed Jebble; however, Carrick spoke of the Muur Talisman--and rakghouls--to another Jedi, Alek... later known as Darth Malak.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​belsavis.​datacron_4

Galactic History 71: The Muur Talisman
Achievement: DatacronsBelsavisBoth441.0.0

Galactic History 72: The Fall of the Covenant

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Jedi Covenant's attempts to prevent another Sith war had led its members to horrific acts, culminating in the murder of their Padawans. It was too much for the seer Xamar, who left the Covenant to aid Zayne Carrick, the Padawan framed for the crime.

Together they went to confront Krynda Draay, the founder of the Jedi Covenant, and her son Lucien, Carrick's former Master. At the Draay mansion, Carrick discovered the real culprit: Krynda's aide Haazen, a fallen Jedi who had been manipulating the Covenant. As Lucien and Carrick dueled, Haazen used an override in the Republic Navy's weapon systems, intending to destroy the Jedi Temple and the Council.

At the last minute, Lucien overcame his anger, helped Carrick escape, then used Haazen's override to bombard Haazen's position instead. Haazen was killed; Lucien survived, suffering serious injuries. Zayne Carrick's name was cleared, and the Jedi Covenant was finished.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141121725666440689

XP Level: 44

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​belsavis.​datacron_5

Galactic History 72: The Fall of the Covenant
Achievement: DatacronsBelsavisBoth441.0.0

Galactic History 83: The Republic Rebuilds

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The secret manipulations of the Sith Triumvirate following the Jedi Civil War almost destroyed the Republic. With infrastructure crumbling and the Jedi Order nearly extinct--its Masters almost entirely slain, and its younger members slowly emerging from hiding--the future seemed bleak. But the Jedi Exile and the other heroes of the Jedi Civil War would not see the Republic fall.

With renewed treaties and alliances, trade gradually began to flow and the Republic military regained its strength. Meanwhile, the Exile trained new Jedi recruits, forming a council of her companions who achieved mastery and welcoming others who came out of hiding. After years of slow but steady growth, the reborn Jedi Order made a triumphant return to its long-abandoned temple on Coruscant.

But the Jedi Exile could not forget Darth Traya's final warning, suggesting that evil remained in the Unknown Regions. With the Jedi Order flourishing, the Exile left the known galaxy to follow her former commander Revan into darkness.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141145871965102174

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​illum.​datacron_1

Galactic History 83: The Republic Rebuilds
Achievement: DatacronsIlumBoth501.0.0

Galactic History 84: The G0-T0 Coup

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

During the Republic's weakened period after the Jedi Civil War, Aratech Systems had produced G0-T0 droids with hugely sophisticated programming designed to administer entire worlds. The G0-T0 droids were also given an additional order: find ways to restore the Republic while remaining within all legal boundaries. The conflict between these two factors caused at least one G0-T0 droid to break its programming and go rogue, choosing to strengthen the Republic by any means necessary.

Other G0-T0 droids took more drastic measures. Sixteen of the droids in the Gordian Reach established dictatorships on the worlds they administered, eventually declaring the region an independent territory named "400100500260026." Supreme Chancellor Cressa was forced to deploy the Republic military to reclaim the Gordian Reach. The campaign was a widely publicized success, though not all of the rogue droids were accounted for.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141145871965102174

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​illum.​datacron_2

Galactic History 84: The G0-T0 Coup
Achievement: DatacronsIlumBoth501.0.0

Galactic History 85: The Purge of the Dark Council

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

After the Great Hyperspace War, the Sith Emperor had successfully led his people to the sanctuary of Dromund Kaas. Having re-established the Empire there, he slowly withdrew from public life, leaving the Empire's administration to his Dark Council.

At first the Dark Council was subservient to the Emperor. But as centuries passed and the Emperor remained withdrawn, the Dark Council became more independent, believing he was weakening. When the council discovered the Emperor was planning to invade the Republic, there was angry dissent. Naga Sadow's failed invasion of the Republic a millennium before had almost destroyed the Empire; some believed it would be madness to repeat his mistake.

Several of the Dark Council's members decided to depose the Emperor before he led them to destruction. But the Emperor learned of their intentions and the entire Dark Council, loyalists and dissenters alike, was purged. The price of disobedience made clear, a new council was chosen and the Emperor's plans proceeded.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141145871965102174

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​illum.​datacron_3

Galactic History 85: The Purge of the Dark Council
Achievement: DatacronsIlumBoth501.0.0

Galactic History 86: The Empire's Revenge

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Republic had enjoyed three hundred years of peace, knowing nothing of the Sith Empire's continued existence on Dromund Kaas. When strange battle cruisers were reported in the Tingel Arm, the Republic sent a diplomatic vessel that was annihilated after sending a frantic transmission. As the Republic and Jedi began to investigate these mysterious newcomers, a massive Imperial battle fleet descended on Korriban, triumphantly reclaiming the Sith holy world for the Empire.

Imperial fleets converged on targets in the Outer Rim, devastating key military outposts. Planetary governments corrupted by secret Imperial agents suddenly revealed their allegiance to the Sith. No one knew how powerful this reborn Sith Empire was, how large it had grown during the past millennium or where its capital was located.

The Republic was thrown into chaos. Disagreements in the Senate and the defection of key systems delayed its military response, while the Imperial forces coolly carried out the Emperor's plans. Despite several important victories--most notably at Bothawui--the Republic was forced onto a defensive footing. The first stage of the Emperor's plan was a success.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141145871965102174

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​illum.​datacron_4

Galactic History 86: The Empire's Revenge
Achievement: DatacronsIlumBoth501.0.0

Galactic History 87: A Wayward Apprentice

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Sith Empire was founded on absolute obedience. As the war between the Republic and the Empire raged, however, the Emperor sent out an order: His apprentice, Exal Kressh, had abandoned her duties and disappeared, and for this treachery she was to be destroyed.

The Dark Council dispatched the young Sith Teneb Kel to hunt Exal Kressh. He followed her to Lenico, where a vision showed him the Emperor's true plans; plans Exal had rebelled against. As a Republic fleet used information supplied by Exal to attack Korriban, Teneb Kel and Exal Kressh clashed in Korriban's tombs. With the help of his slave Qawohl, Teneb cut Exal down and the Republic attack was repelled.

Teneb Kel reported to the Dark Council and struck a bargain: make him a Darth, and he would share what he knew of the Emperor's intentions. Teneb chose the name of the guide from his vision on Lenico, Darth Thanaton.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141145871965102174

XP Level: 50

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​illum.​datacron_5

Galactic History 87: A Wayward Apprentice
Achievement: DatacronsIlumBoth501.0.0

Assembly Chamber

The assembler is a critical element in the construction, modification, and enhancement of individual datacrons. While not Rakatan, the device bears striking similarities to the design methodologies of the Infinite Empire. Such technology, while not unheard of in the known regions, is spectacularly rare.

Ancient records indicate that assemblers, such as these, were instrumental in shifting the crystalline resonance that powers traditional holocrons so that the devices can be accessed and utilized by anyone - regardless of force sensitivity. When and how this innovation was developed is unknown, however the age of the few assemblers recovered, puts the development of this technology around the time of the first Jedi Exodus.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​global.​assembly_chamber

Assembly Chamber
Achievement: DatacronsCoruscantRepublic101.0.0

Galactic History 04: King Adas

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The ancient Sith on Korriban--not an order of Force users, but a distinct species native to the planet--were distinctive for their yellow eyes and blood-red skin. But the warrior Adas was unlike his brothers; his skin was jet-black and he towered over his fellow Sith. Through violence and cunning, he fought his way to become ruler of the Sith and united their nations through a bloody war. He later took the title "Sith'ari," meaning "overlord."

King Adas's ascension may have been helped by an untrained Force sensitivity. Certainly Adas was long-lived; his reign lasted three hundred years, and only came to an end when the Infinite Empire launched an assault on Korriban. The title Sith'ari remains a key tenet of Sith lore, eventually coming to refer to a perfect being in Sith philosophy.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​coruscant.​datacron_1

Galactic History 04: King Adas
Achievement: DatacronsCoruscantRepublic151.0.0

Galactic History 05: Rise of the Infinite Empire

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The "Infinite Empire" was the name the Rakata people gave to their magnificent but ultimately flawed civilization--one that eventually encompassed more than five hundred known worlds. Their rise was fueled by their impressive technology, powered by what would later be called the Force. Using it, the Rakata developed the first known hyperdrives.

Slowly, the Rakata became corrupted by their power. They began enslaving entire species, including the peoples of Coruscant. The Rakata also attacked Korriban, ruled by the great King Adas. Although their attack failed to enslave the pureblooded Sith species, King Adas was killed. Without his leadership, Korriban was plunged into civil war.

The Rakata's slaves were put to work building monuments to the Infinite Empire's glory. Among the Infinite Empire's achievements was the Star Forge, a space station capable of producing endless droids and starships. However, the Star Forge was fueled by the dark side of the Force. Using it only hastened the Rakata's fall.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​coruscant.​datacron_2

Galactic History 05: Rise of the Infinite Empire
Achievement: DatacronsCoruscantRepublic151.0.0

Galactic History 06: The Infinite Empire Collapses

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Rakata species had created a glorious Infinite Empire with their Force-fueled machines, but cracks were beginning to show. The cruelty of the Rakata to their slaves and occupied worlds grew more pronounced. If a planet's population rebelled, that entire world would be burned to glass.

Despite this, more slave rebellions began to rise across the galaxy, forcing the Rakata to divide their forces to deal with them. A plague, either created by the rebelling slaves or by Rakata dissidents, began to decimate the Rakata population. The Rakata realized that, possibly due to the plague, they were losing their connection to the Force; without it, they were cut off from their technology.

The fall of the Infinite Empire, once it began, was swift. The slaves overwhelmed their Rakata overseers, who fled into the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. The Rakata degenerated into a tribal culture and even resorted to cannibalism. The Infinite Empire was gone; only its technology was left behind.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​coruscant.​datacron_3

Galactic History 06: The Infinite Empire Collapses
Achievement: DatacronsCoruscantRepublic151.0.0

Galactic History 07: The First Spaceflights

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Free of the Infinite Empire's enslavement, the humans of Coruscant began investigating the technology their Rakata masters had left. Although they couldn't use the Force-powered machines, the humans learned enough to make tentative forays into space, using slower-than-light vessels manned by crews kept in suspended animation for decades at a time.

Slowly, humans began to colonize new worlds: Alsakan, Metellos, Alderaan. The first explorers to Alderaan discovered the remains of strange insect nests, later known to be built by the Killiks.

The pureblooded Sith species on Korriban, having survived both the Infinite Empire's onslaught and a bloody civil war after the death of their king, also became intrigued by the machines the Rakata left behind. Suddenly a spacefaring civilization, the Sith species left Korriban and eventually established a new capital on the planet Ziost.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​coruscant.​datacron_4

Galactic History 07: The First Spaceflights
Achievement: DatacronsCoruscantRepublic151.0.0

Galactic History 08: Hyperspace Cannons

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Early spaceflights were conducted with sleeper ships, their crews preserved via suspended animation over the long journeys to other worlds. But these journeys were incredibly slow. Remembering the efficient hyperdrive technology of the Infinite Empire, the most brilliant scientists of the galaxy began to study what remained of those machines, despite the claims of Tiran, the Drall scientist who centuries before said that nothing could travel faster than the speed of light.

Eventually, this led to the development of a hyperspace "cannon." These cannons allowed a ship to be propelled into hyperspace, though a second cannon was required for a ship to return to its origin point.

The Core Worlds quickly established a hyperspace cannon network. The children of Coruscant soon encountered the Duros civilization, whose people became some of the earliest--and most daring--hyperspace explorers. The true colonization of the galaxy had begun.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141154995358231178

XP Level: 15

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​coruscant.​datacron_5

Galactic History 08: Hyperspace Cannons
Achievement: DatacronsCoruscantRepublic151.0.0

Galactic History 01: The Architects

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Although the Republic has existed for millennia, there is evidence to suggest that long before its founding, a highly advanced race ruled the galaxy. Referred to as the "Architects" or "Celestials" by scholars, these beings possessed remarkable technology capable of constructing or realigning solar systems. The Corellia system, for example, appears to have been artificially constructed.

These claims would seem extraordinary, but many of the Architects' machines survived the ages. The Vultar system was home to an immense "Cosmic Turbine" that could only have been Architect technology, before misuse destroyed both the turbine and the Vultar system itself. The fabled Centerpoint Station is thought to be an Architect installation, though many species have claimed it as the work of their own people.

In addition to their engineering marvels, it is believed that the Architects seeded the Core Worlds with life--particularly humans--though some attribute this to the Rakata's Infinite Empire. Despite the proof of their achievements, however, there is little evidence to suggest where the Architects came from or what eventually became of them.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​hutta.​datacron_1

Galactic History 01: The Architects
Achievement: DatacronsHuttaImperial101.0.0

Galactic History 02: Ancient Civilizations

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

In the period after the mysterious Architects vanished from the galaxy millennia ago, several great civilizations rose in their place. The intellectual Columi species created a vast but peaceful empire, focusing on academic pursuits while droids and elaborate machines labored for them. As a result, the Columi evolved enormous craniums and tiny bodies.

The strange, reptilian Kwa, who achieved interstellar travel through Infinity Gates that allowed them to effectively teleport between worlds, rose and mysteriously fell, eventually devolving into simple lizards. The cephalopod Gree also reached their apex in this time, creating technological marvels that have rarely been equaled. Eventually, on the backs of these civilizations would come the Rakata and their Infinite Empire.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​hutta.​datacron_2

Galactic History 02: Ancient Civilizations
Achievement: DatacronsHuttaImperial101.0.0

Galactic History 03: The Battalions of Zhell

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

In the millennia before the founding of the Republic, humans had not yet developed spaceflight. One human population--perhaps the only one--was confined to Coruscant, divided into thirteen tribes. This nearly proved disastrous when a volcanic eruption caused a near-extinction event, wiping out a large percentage of human life.

This made the humans easy prey for the Taung, a gray-skinned species that reveled in battle. Awed by the majesty of the eruption's ash cloud, the Taung took the name "Warriors of the Shadow," descended on the surviving humans and subjugated them. Gradually the fighting force of the thirteen human tribes--known as the Battalions of Zhell--mustered a resistance against the Taung.

After years of struggle, the Battalions managed to repel the Taung and claim their freedom. Coruscant has been the seat of humanity ever since.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141158871960526176

XP Level: 10

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​hutta.​datacron_3

Galactic History 03: The Battalions of Zhell
Achievement: DatacronsHuttaImperial101.0.0

Galactic History 48: The Audiences on Onderon

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Jedi had uncovered Freedon Nadd's tomb, but its sarcophagus was stolen by Naddist rebels loyal to the dead Sith Lord's teachings. With Jedi Master Arca Jeth captured, Ulic Qel-Droma called for Republic forces and Onderon's capital, Iziz, was besieged.

During the battle, Satal Keto and Aleema, leaders of the Krath Sith cult, arrived on Onderon seeking Sith knowledge. They went before King Ommin, who gave Satal an amulet that would allow him to understand the ancient Sith language.

Their audience was interrupted by Ulic Qel-Droma, who sought to rescue his Master Arca Jeth from King Ommin's clutches. Satal and Aleema escaped, only to encounter the spirit of Freedon Nadd himself. Calling them the inheritors of his legacy, Nadd promised that he would lead the Krath to glory. Meanwhile, the Jedi saw Nadd's sarcophagus sealed away on Dxun, locked behind Mandalorian iron.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​taris_imp.​datacron_1

Galactic History 48: The Audiences on Onderon
Achievement: DatacronsTaris (Imp)Imperial361.0.0

Galactic History 49: Exar Kun

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

When the Jedi teach of the dangers of pride and overreach, they often speak of Exar Kun. A promising Jedi who trained on Dantooine, Exar Kun was known for his talent and his temper. He was intensely curious about all matters of the Force, and disagreed with his Master over the dangers of the dark side. Exar Kun believed he was strong enough to study the dark side without being corrupted by it.

Denied access to dark side teachings, however, Exar Kun left the Jedi in disgust. When he heard the Jedi had sealed the Sith Lord Freedon Nadd's sarcophagus away on the jungle moon of Dxun, he went to Dxun to seek the tomb.

Breaking through the tomb's seals, Exar Kun was confronted by the spirit of Freedon Nadd. Impressed by his power, Nadd told Exar Kun to journey to the Sith holy world of Korriban.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​taris_imp.​datacron_2

Galactic History 49: Exar Kun
Achievement: DatacronsTaris (Imp)Imperial361.0.0

Galactic History 50: Basilisk

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Since their grueling campaign against the Nevoota, the Mandalorians had only grown in power, cutting a swathe through the galaxy in search of worthy opponents. When the Mandalorians besieged the planet Basilisk, the Basiliskans--reptilian droid-builders and legendary technologists--learned that the stories of Mandalorian battle prowess were true.

Realizing they couldn't win even with Republic aid, the Basiliskans chemically poisoned their own world, hoping to take their conquerors with them. But the Mandalorians were victorious nonetheless, enslaving the Basiliskans and eventually turning them into mindless beasts of war.

More importantly, the Mandalorians captured many of the unique droids that the Basiliskans created. After this conquest, they were able to mass-produce the droids for themselves. Centuries later, the Mandalorians' Basilisk war droids would become a legendary terror during the Mandalorian Wars.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​taris_imp.​datacron_3

Galactic History 50: Basilisk
Achievement: DatacronsTaris (Imp)Imperial361.0.0

Galactic History 51: The Krath Cult Strikes

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

After obtaining many Sith artifacts from Onderon, the Krath cult had only grown in power. Its leaders, Satal Keto and his cousin Aleema, decided that the time was right to seize their destiny. They attempted to launch a coup, attacking their aristocratic parents and claiming the Empress Teta system for themselves.

The people of Empress Teta soon rebelled against the Sith regime. Alerted to the danger, the Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma and his lover, the wise and gentle Nomi, traveled to the system at the head of a Republic fleet. But the Krath cultists were fanatics; a Krath suicide attack damaged the Republic flagship, leaving Ulic Qel-Droma badly injured, and the fleet was forced to withdraw.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​taris_imp.​datacron_4

Galactic History 51: The Krath Cult Strikes
Achievement: DatacronsTaris (Imp)Imperial361.0.0

Galactic History 52: Exar Kun Faces Korriban

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Fascinated by tales of the ancient Sith and seeking greater knowledge, the Jedi Knight Exar Kun had defied his Master's warnings and spoken with the spirit of Freedon Nadd on Dxun. On the Sith Lord's advice, Exar Kun traveled to Korriban and began exploring its tombs. A cave-in soon pinned Exar Kun to the ground, nearly crushing him.

The spirit of Freedon Nadd spoke to Exar Kun again, promising he would rescue the young Jedi if he gave himself to the dark side. Still believing he was strong enough to resist the dark side's lure, Exar Kun gave his word and power filled his body.

The cave-in was blasted away and Exar Kun's injuries healed, but his promise had taken him much further into darkness. He left Korriban and, on Nadd's advice, made his way to the forgotten world of Yavin Four.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141165292934571748

XP Level: 36

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​taris_imp.​datacron_5

Galactic History 52: Exar Kun Faces Korriban
Achievement: DatacronsTaris (Imp)Imperial361.0.0

Galactic History 58: Ulic's Trials

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Brotherhood of the Sith was ready to strike. The fallen Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma, the Sith sorceress Aleema and Mandalore gathered their armies to attack Coruscant. But they underestimated Coruscant's Jedi defenders. The Brotherhood's forces were repelled, and Ulic was captured.

Ulic was taken to the Senate tower to stand trial. But the Jedi Master Vodo Siosk-Baas sensed that Ulic hadn't acted alone, that Siosk-Baas's old student, Exar Kun, was involved. During the trial, Exar Kun himself marched into the Senate tower with his Massassi warriors. He subdued the assembly with his Force abilities and humiliated the Supreme Chancellor.

Vodo Siosk-Baas then entered, challenging his former pupil. Exar Kun's unusual double-bladed lightsaber and dark powers prevailed, however, and Siosk-Baas was killed. Exar Kun and Ulic then left Coruscant and returned to Yavin Four to prepare for the next battle.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 38

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​quesh.​datacron_1

Galactic History 58: Ulic's Trials
Achievement: DatacronsQueshBoth381.0.0

Galactic History 59: Aleema's Fate

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Treachery is the way of the Sith. Ulic Qel-Droma's capture on Coruscant had been engineered partly by his ally, the Sith sorceress Aleema Keto: she had ordered Mandalore to withdraw their forces at a critical moment. However, after Mandalore helped to rescue Ulic from Coruscant, he secretly told Ulic everything. Aleema's fate was sealed.

Feigning ignorance, Ulic continued with the Sith Brotherhood's plans. Using Naga Sadow's ancient battleship, the Corsair, they planned to lure the Republic fleet into the Cron Cluster and use the Corsair to destroy its suns, annihilating the fleet.

Aleema took the Corsair into the Cron Cluster and activated the superweapon, but Ulic had deliberately not warned her of the consequences. The blast annihilated the entire Cron Cluster in a supernova, sending a shockwave toward the Jedi world of Ossus. The Corsair itself was consumed, taking Aleema with it.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 38

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​quesh.​datacron_2

Galactic History 59: Aleema's Fate
Achievement: DatacronsQueshBoth381.0.0

Galactic History 60: The Destruction of Ossus

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The Brotherhood of the Sith had annihilated the Cron Cluster in a supernova, sending a massive shockwave towards the planet Ossus. Home to the Jedi for countless generations, Ossus safeguarded vast libraries and storehouses of artifacts.

As the Jedi scrambled to save their treasures from the coming cataclysm, the Sith Brotherhood leaders Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma arrived to raid the planet. Exar Kun managed to claim a number of notable Jedi artifacts. Meanwhile, Ulic fought against the Republic and Jedi forces only to be challenged by his own brother, Cay.

The two brothers fought until Ulic finally struck Cay down. The shock of his brother's death left Ulic stunned with horror. The Jedi Nomi, who had once loved Ulic, was overcome with grief and used her tremendous powers to somehow sever Ulic's connection to the Force. Left powerless, Ulic wept at what he had become.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141165625065288506

XP Level: 38

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​quesh.​datacron_3

Galactic History 60: The Destruction of Ossus
Achievement: DatacronsQueshBoth381.0.0

Galactic History 43: The Great Droid Revolution

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Debate had been raging in the Republic over the issue of droid rights: Did droids deserve the same treatment as organic beings, and was owning droids tantamount to slavery? This question was rendered moot when a Czerka-built assassin droid, HK-01, went rogue and began reprogramming other droids to rise up against their masters, in what would be called the Great Droid Revolution.

Republic citizens, surrounded by thousands of rogue droids--every model, from protocol to sanitation to battle units--found themselves at the mercy of their former servants. Several planets were subjugated in the name of the droid rebellion, until the signal controlling the droids was traced.

Following the signal, a team of Jedi destroyed HK-01, returning the rogue droids to their original programming. The relieved Republic returned to normal, and the issue of droid rights was not raised again.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141170889730887279

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​ossus.​datacron_1

Galactic History 43: The Great Droid Revolution
Achievement: DatacronsOssusBoth325.10.0

Galactic History 47: Naddist Rebels

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

With Queen Amanoa dead, Onderon enjoyed a brief period of peace, but a shadow still hung over the planet. So-called "Naddist Rebels" began to emerge, a sect that revered the teachings of the Sith Lord Freedon Nadd. Master Arca Jeth and his students sought to cleanse Onderon of Nadd's influence by moving Nadd's sarcophagus to Onderon's moon, Dxun, but they were ambushed by Naddists who stole the sarcophagus.

While seeking out the Naddists, Arca Jeth discovered that King Ommin, long thought dead, was being kept alive in a secret facility. Also a follower of Nadd, Ommin joined forces with Nadd's undying spirit and managed to capture Arca Jeth. The king fled to a secret stronghold while Arca Jeth's student, Ulic Qel-Droma, called for Republic reinforcements.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141170889730887279

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​ossus.​datacron_5

Galactic History 47: Naddist Rebels
Achievement: DatacronsOssusBoth325.10.0


This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an unknown individual. You access its power and discover information unknown to many:

Odan-Urr, Jedi Master and founder of the Great Jedi Library of Ossus, was one of the order's most famous and long-lived members. Although he participated in some of the most decisive battles of his time, Odan-Urr preferred the life of an academic, overseeing the library's Chamber of Antiquities for centuries until he was slain by Exar Kun shortly before the cataclysm inflicted by the Cron Supernova.

Of his many accomplishments, perhaps the most influential of Odan-Urr's works was his revised version of the Jedi Code, which he created in response to the struggles of his pupils to fully understand and embrace what it meant to be a Jedi. Odan-Urr's revised wording of the code became the definitive version, taught and recited by Jedi ever since.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141170889730887279

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​ossus.​datacron_4

Achievement: DatacronsOssusBoth325.10.0

Ood Bnar

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an unknown individual. You access its power and discover information unknown to many:

At the time of the Cron Supernova, the Great Jedi Library of Ossus was overseen by Ood Bnar, a Jedi Master specializing in knowledge of the Sith and their use of the dark side. Though his tenure as head librarian was short, Ood Bnar served loyally, defending the library's artifacts from the Sith Lord Exar Kun in the final moments before the supernova razed the planet.

As a member of the tree-like Neti species, Ood Bnar could alter his physiology and shape, allowing him to transform from a humanoid into a towering tree in order to envelop and protect a cache of ancient lightsabers. He entered a form of deep hibernation as the Cron Supernova struck and has yet to rouse from this trance-like state. Master Gnost-Dural and many other Jedi have meditated at his roots, hoping to communicate and learn from the ancient Jedi, but thus far, Ood Bnar has offered no response.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141170889730887279

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​ossus.​datacron_2

Ood Bnar
Achievement: DatacronsOssusBoth325.10.0

The Unlikely Survival of Ossus

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an unknown individual. You access its power and discover information unknown to many:

Ossus still bears the scars of the Cron Supernova: its surface is a seared wasteland of rock and sand. But even this degree of desolation is shockingly mild; that the planet was not rendered into a charred ball of molten rock, or even obliterated completely, is nothing short of miraculous.

Little academic work has been put forward to explain this unlikely survival; only conjecture. The initial cause of the supernova was unnatural; perhaps this explains the unnatural results? Ossus was a stronghold of the Jedi; does the inherent life force of such a place make it more resistant to destruction? Could the unique astrophysical structure of the Adega system where Ossus is found have played a role?

Regardless of the reasons, the continued survival of Ossus offers the promise that its ancient mysteries may one day be unlocked.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141170889730887279

XP Level: 32

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​ossus.​datacron_3

The Unlikely Survival of Ossus
Achievement: DatacronsOssusBoth325.10.0

Galactic History 38: The Tyrant of Onderon

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

The fallen Jedi Freedon Nadd learned well at the feet of Naga Sadow, an ancient Sith Lord. After killing his mentor, Nadd traveled to distant Onderon and established himself in the capital Iziz as a tyrant, twisting the city's culture to a Sith ideal.

Nadd would often banish criminals beyond Iziz's walls, intending for them to die in Onderon's dangerous jungles. However, many of these criminals survived and began taming the jungle beasts as mounts. These "Beast Riders" formed a guerrilla force that eventually went to war against Iziz. Nadd fought them fiercely, but the jungle had honed the Beast Riders into formidable enemies.

The civil war continued even after Nadd's eventual death. Nadd was entombed below the city of Iziz, where his influence on Iziz's rulers would be felt for centuries.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​tatooine.​datacron_1

Galactic History 38: The Tyrant of Onderon
Achievement: DatacronsTatooineBoth281.0.0

Galactic History 39: The Third Great Schism

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Freedon Nadd proved that for the Jedi, the struggle against darkness would be eternal. In the years after Nadd's death, a civil war broke out on Coruscant between members of the Jedi Order. The dark siders responsible were eventually driven from Coruscant to the Vultar system.

These Dark Jedi began exploring their new home and discovered massive, ancient machines that spoke of an extraordinary discovery. The Vultar system appeared to have been artificially constructed; these machines were clearly relics of the long-forgotten Architects who had built it.

Eager for revenge on the Jedi Order, the Dark Jedi sought to use these machines, including the device they called the "Cosmic Turbine." But the machines were far beyond their ability to control. Days into their attempt, a catastrophic accident destroyed the machines, the Dark Jedi and the entire Vultar system.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​tatooine.​datacron_2

Galactic History 39: The Third Great Schism
Achievement: DatacronsTatooineBoth281.0.0

Galactic History 40: Czerka Discovers Kashyyyk

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Czerka Corporation had grown rich on weapons development, experimental research and planetary exploration. Some years before the Great Droid Revolution, Czerka discovered a backwater planet with extraordinary flora and fauna, whose trees grew kilometers high. The planet was known to its natives as Kashyyyk.

Czerka was already planning to exploit Kashyyyk's resources when corporate scouts encountered the native Wookiee population. Although physically strong and agile, the Wookiees were forced to fall back before Czerka's superior technology.

It didn't take Czerka long to realize that the true wealth of Kashyyyk was the Wookiees themselves. Bringing in its forces and considerable investment power, Czerka established a position on Kashyyyk and set about exporting Wookiee slaves to the highest bidder. They also decided to change the planet's name to something more appealing to investors: Edean.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​tatooine.​datacron_3

Galactic History 40: Czerka Discovers Kashyyyk
Achievement: DatacronsTatooineBoth281.0.0

Galactic History 41: The Droid Rights Movement

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

For millennia, droids had filled an important role in Republic society. They were tireless workers, trusted servants and often functioned as diplomatic translators. Battle droids formed a key part of the Republic's military strategy.

However, a "droid rights" movement began to find a voice across the Republic and quickly became popular on Coruscant. The argument was made that since droids had personalities and sentience, owning a droid was tantamount to slavery.

The Galactic Senate dismissed the movement as a mere fad, but after millions of appeals to create a Droid Rights Bill, they were forced to address the issue. A surprising number of Senators spoke up in favor of droid rights, while many others dismissed the idea as absurd. The debate would continue until the Great Droid Revolution stopped the droid rights movement in its tracks.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​tatooine.​datacron_4

Galactic History 41: The Droid Rights Movement
Achievement: DatacronsTatooineBoth281.0.0

Galactic History 42: The Nevoota Extinction

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Some years before the Old Sith Wars, the Nevoota--a species of insectoid aliens from the Balmorra system--found themselves facing an army of disciplined warriors in distinctive armor. The warriors were Mandalorian Crusaders, testing themselves against the galaxy's deadliest species.

However, the Nevoota were a challenge even for the Mandalorians. Possessing superior numbers and utterly disdainful of death, the Nevoota fought a four-year campaign under the cunning warlord Ithcharaka--but finally the Mandalorians hunted the Nevoota to extinction.

This conflict had a profound effect on Mandalorian culture. The Mandalorians began to see war itself as an end, not just a means of conquest. Through war, Mandalorian society found its highest expression. When Mandalore the Indomitable eventually rose to power, he led a people who demanded nothing less than the greatest challenges the galaxy could offer.

Category: Achievement: Datacrons

Planet: 16141178175742985098

XP Level: 28

FQN: cdx.​datacron.​tatooine.​datacron_5

Galactic History 42: The Nevoota Extinction
Achievement: DatacronsTatooineBoth281.0.0